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Em and Zing's Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza- Done :)



  • I didn't know she messed up
  • Yeah, everyone's been messaging with me every egg they've found, so I believe I have the exact score. Just keep PMing me when you find an egg and your scores wont be messed up, make sure you send the link or a description with where you found it! Anyway..I need to go to dinner now, I'll be back peoplezzz...<br><br>I didn't mess up on any they were testers!!! THOSE DONT COUNT!!! (lol)<br><br>BYE!
  • ok well finny has 2 so ill start making more eggs :mrgreen:<br><br>Uh zinny its 2 am I thunk it's a bit late for dinner
  • It was only nine here O.O<br><br>I'm going to hide my two other eggs and post the hints...TOMORROW.
  • Again, I PMed Emme two of them, and I switched to Zyn and PMed her the rest.
  • Yeah Finnyy I know. I got you down for six, thats right right?
  • Yup. :3 I missed a lot after going to bed.
  • Not too much. I haven't gone to bed yet, it's four in the morning O.O<br><br>I'm going to go to bed and y'allssss can catch up xD<br><br>Goodnight : )<br><br>The hunt continues in a few hours or when Ems is awake.<br><br>And yes Collie, you may join. I'll put your name on the list. Read my clues and Ems clues and get srated so you can catch up. My clues are located further down on the first page of this thread, be sure to PM me when you find any eggs so that I can keep track of your points and post them tomorrow. G' night xD
  • Try and get a good sleep! Because all of the participants, including me, will run to your bedside and wake you up in an hour.....*slinks off into the darkness*That's five in the morning, <span style="font-size:85">five in the morning,</span> <span style="font-size:50">five in the morning</span>
  • Ooo! I wanna join!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • <span style="font-size:150">I would like to participate! xD (or something of the like)</span><br>HAHAHAHHA
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • i dont think i am going to be ble to do this i just rejoined vp and i am out of the loop on what breeds are popular and such... sorry
  • Thats fine SEF, I'll take you off of the list. Luvy, I got your egg messages and I'm adding up your score now. FINNY!!! You are weird xD I wuffles you!
  • Oh, and just so you all know, I wont be here all day. Just for maybe this hour, the only thing I have time for is updating scores and receiving messages. I have yet to hide my two last eggs, so no one will find those yet. I'm really just here to keep busy, I honestly feel like bursting into tears right now, but Zyndalee's stronger then that, (right?). This morning when I woke up Kyou wasn't breathing, and his gums were white. Anyone that has vet experience knows what this means. I have no idea how long he wasn't breathing so I couldn't provide that to the emergency vet, and that just made it that much harder for them to help him. They're keeping him with them for now, and they aren't telling me anything, not even if he's going to be ok. These are the moments when you realize that your dog is really not just a dog, but part of your family. Anway..not trying to turn my most popular thread into a vent, I just hoped you guys would understand. Emme will be on soon I'm sure, and she'll hide more eggs. Remember to MESSAGE ME WHENEVER YOU FIND AN EGG. Regaurdless of whether I'm here or not, or if it's emme's egg you found not mine, MESSAGE ME. I'll be on tomorrow most likely. Just keep hunting and ask emme if you need anything or have any questions, and if her clues are too hard, then wait for me to come back and I'll provide you with diff. ones because she's being stubborn and thinks they're easy enough!! xD
  • sorry i just woke up, its a little early for me (2pm) but ill start making and hiding more eggs.<br><br>Im so sorry zandalee thats horriable, i can't even imagin what you fell like rihgt now. I don't no what i would do if something happened to bam bam and hes the devil. im just so sorry :cry: .
  • I'm so sorry! I hope he's ok! :cry: <br><br>Emme's clues are killing me!! I'm gonna die if I have to look through puppy plaza one more time for Emme's dogs! :x
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    Oh, and just so you all know, I wont be here all day. Just for maybe this hour, the only thing I have time for is updating scores and receiving messages. I have yet to hide my two last eggs, so no one will find those yet. I'm really just here to keep busy, I honestly feel like bursting into tears right now, but Zyndalee's stronger then that, (right?). This morning when I woke up Kyou wasn't breathing, and his gums were white. Anyone that has vet experience knows what this means. I have no idea how long he wasn't breathing so I couldn't provide that to the emergency vet, and that just made it that much harder for them to help him. They're keeping him with them for now, and they aren't telling me anything, not even if he's going to be ok. These are the moments when you realize that your dog is really not just a dog, but part of your family. Anway..not trying to turn my most popular thread into a vent, I just hoped you guys would understand. Emme will be on soon I'm sure, and she'll hide more eggs. Remember to MESSAGE ME WHENEVER YOU FIND AN EGG. Regaurdless of whether I'm here or not, or if it's emme's egg you found not mine, MESSAGE ME. I'll be on tomorrow most likely. Just keep hunting and ask emme if you need anything or have any questions, and if her clues are too hard, then wait for me to come back and I'll provide you with diff. ones because she's being stubborn and thinks they're easy enough!! xD
    <br>awh Im so sorry!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • So you can take care of everything right? Are you going to hide the rest of the eggs and make clues or are you just going to wait until I get back? Reguardless the egg hunt cant end without me here because I have two more eggs to hide still..those will be the final eggs!! xD How about you just hide all the last eggs and come up with clues and then when I come back I'll hide the final two and it will be a race to who can get those (it'll be really hard to find). When do you want this hunt to end by the way?
  • I'm so sorry! I hope he's ok! :cry: <br><br>Emme's clues are killing me!! I'm gonna die if I have to look through puppy plaza one more time for Emme's dogs! :x
    <br><br>It's ok.. emme will make them a bit easier. Or I can look at where her eggs are located and give more hints. I'll do this when I get back though, make absolutely sure that you can't find them, and then I'll come up with something easier when I get back.
  • how about easter day and ill make them easier i gues.
  • Sounds great. Ok, this ends easter day then. You'll make your hints easier and when I come back I'll hide my last two eggs. Then we'll total up the scores and announce the winner. I should be back soon. Are you going to hide a lot more eggs while I'm gone?
  • Probably, and some with hugher point values.
  • EmmeZoe wrote:
    how about easter day and ill make them easier i gues.
    <br>Oh please do make them easier! :lol:
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • there how are he first two i have changed?
  • EmmeZoe wrote:
    Probably, and some with hugher point values.
    <br><br>Ok, I'll just hide my two last eggs when I get back, and I'll make them for higher point values because they'll be harder. Since you can take care of everything, I'm going to go and check on Kyou now. I'll be back on tomorrow. Everyone is still going to send me messages while I'm gone so that I'll have a correct number of points and we both have the score. Bye people. : )
  • Ok give him a hug for me and i dumbed down the clues :x
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