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Banner Contest-Prizes Include 500k and grooming!!



  • Yup those count to. Just sent negative contracts of vpc to Purple Chicken II for each banner, and send he dogs as well (:<br> UPDATE-send the dogs you need groomed to Purple Chicken. NOT purple chicken II
  • Yay! Thanks! So 50k, right
  • Yuppers!! I cant get to groomingtoll mabey this weekend though. Sorry )=
  • its ok, i didnt really care about the grooming. in fact, i dont want it :lol:
  • Thanks =D I'm glad you like it and contracts sent.
    Here have a band-aid
  • UGH~!!! So if you saw my vent earlyr about the kid, youd know i was wrngly acccused. well more was added to the story of lies that this student created, knowone belives me and im grounded. I had to sneak online to post this, I just thought you ahd the right to know. I have no idea how long I will be grounded, because the lie that was told was very severe and my parents are angry. Im not a happy camper.<br> Anyways, I wish I chould give you a ballpark guess on when the grooming chould be done, but I have no clue )= I will contact everyone and accapet contracts ASAP <br><br> Signing out for awhile, <br> Ren
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