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How I met Zyndalee/Intellectual convo/my nick name for Zynny



  • Lies, Lies, are no fun, tell the truth to everyone! :twisted:
  • ROFL<br><br>It's alright! It's not a race. Take your time. If you go too fast, no one will understand you. xD
  • Lies, Lies, are no fun, tell the truth to everyone! :twisted:
    <br><br>lol..cute..I'm trying to go to bed but you guys keep saying things that I MUST reply too!!
  • I know, right!!!!??
  • Emme! I can understand you! Keep typing! <br><br>Ugh, wait, used to be friends? What did I miss?<br><br><span style="font-size:50">Always me.</span><br><br>Anyway, I'm gonna join Gemi. In bed. Gnight world!
    <br><br>Yeah..we just stoppd talking and then..well, lost contact all together..<br><br>no big deal anyway...<br><br>good night :mrgreen:<br><br>'re going to join Gemi in bed?? What DID I MISS?? lol..
  • Fin! Yes, it is a race! I have to click submit about 10 times before I can actually get my post up! By time it goes up, it makes no sense!<br><br>I love how we made this post get to 3 pages in 3 minutes!<br><br>I lied.. Going to bed NOW!
  • You do no this is killing me inside right. I hate this.... Alot. I just want you to no that. And I can use proper english I wrote a GAINT like 2,000 word thing for that CoLuvBrite! thing you can even check.<br><br><br>Now I need to change my signature so I can express how much better I am then fox.
  • Ok, <span style="font-size:150">GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!!</span><br><br>You know what would be nice? If I came back tomorrow and I didn't have to go through fifty pages to catch up on what you guys were posting xD In other words, have mercy and don't post too much without me please!!
  • Uhhhhhh na I think we will anyway. :P <br><br><br>But I'm gunna tell you right now I'll use periods but i will never I repeat never give up gunna so you are gunna have to live with it.
  • Wow you guys arote a lot while I was gone. lol <br><br>Wow, stupid kids. I would have been furious. Last time I checked, a dog growling at you isn't considered a dog attack, and how does he get mistaken as a Pitbull anyway? Tosa's look nothing like Pitbulls. <br><br>Wow, Emme now has Fox status. Way to go, Emme! lol Now how do I get Fox status? Just kidding. I'm happy with our friendship. But I wouldn't be opposed to Fox<br><br>Guess what guys? I have a sinus infection. My nose is all stuffed up and my ear hurts. So I put some ear drops in my ear and stuffed a cotton ball in it to hold the ear drops in. Its no fun. :(
  • No. No. No. No. No. No. I DO NOT have a fox status I have a better then Fox stutus. So HA.
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    hee hee, about this??<br><br>-Yesterday at exactly 3:00 P.M., I heard some children screaming outside. So I look out my window and I see some of the neighborhood kids running around ALMOST on my driveway and taunting my horse (who's in the back) with their little controlled racecar things. They would drive that stupid thing into my yard and under my fence, and then they would swerve it through my horses legs..sometimes hitting her hooves. Asidi (my horse), wasn't afraid of the car, but it was annoying her. She kept standing on three legs and bucking a little. The kids were screaming and laughing..I assumed they thought no one was home. SO, I put Bully on his SHORT chain, and I let him outside the door a little, I whispered to him to "guard", so he obeyed and started barking at the kids, he wasn't lunging because the "guard"command just means to intimidate, the "attack" command makes him lunge and try to bite... anyway, they all ran screaming..THEN, a few minutes later, ANIMAL CONTROL shows up at my house asking about a "dog attack" that happened, saying that "a kid was bitten by a Pitbull"... at my residency!! It must have been the parents that called, basing their report off of what some over exaggerating, annoying, uneducated kids said.<br><br>BULLY is NOT a PitBull (stupid kids get your breeds straight xD) and He DID NOT bite anyone!!<br><br>I'm still being watched though...which I think is unfair...Animal Control's got it out for me.. O.O<br><br><br>What da ya think about THAT ONE??
    <br>wow! lol...the horse shoulda kicked them in the head to knock sense into them LOL...both the kids and the AC :P<br><br>Whats the nickname you made for me?<br>ZINGGGGGGGGGGG XDDD<br>How did you meet me?? <br>Forum posts I saw you posted on that I had posted on to I guess you could say XD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Yay! I can bring back my (this) thread because I'm going to be online every day now!! xD Mysteeee, your nickname is one of my favorites : )
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    Yay! I can bring back my (this) thread because I'm going to be online every day now!! xD Mysteeee, your nickname is one of my favorites : )
    <br>tehe im glad (:
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • The AC is still watching me. I walked out of the house today to check the mail with Bully right on my heels, literally RIGHT behind me, just following me and doing nothing else..and those stupid cops jumped out of their car and was screaming for me to put him on a leash. Talk about over reacting...
  • WOW lol! <br>Yesterday a senior at my church school was out with her friend at 8:11 AM and an old lady called the cops on them cause they weren't in school and they TOLD the cops that her friend was just gonna wait to go till second period cause she didn't want to interupt her first (her mom made her clean the house before she could go to school :O) and they FREAKED out (the cops) and the girl from my school told them where she went to school and they laughed cause theyve never heard of was so the girl stayed home "crying all day" and her friend had to go to school and shes not allowed to talk to her friend or hang out with her :P<br>They are ALWAYS together and on the girl from my schools phone for her friends name it was at first "My best friend <3 :)" now its "My true love (girls name here)" and she didn't even tell her old best friend that she had a "new" best friend. She found out by looking on FB (if ya know what I mean :P) and seeing "I love you"'s from them back and forth...we haven't said anything but we think shes ___ fill in the blank lol
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • lol..drama drama drama..I remember when this old lady we used to live above (apartments) would call the cops when we made noise... Anyway, AC tried to "prosecute" me for the leash law, because I didn't have Bully on a leash. BUT, I fought my way around it and it turns out I'm right, because they can't prosecute me for having my dog off of leash when it's on MY property and in an enclosed area (what idiots!). In YOUR face Local AC! DO something right and do your job instead of wasting your time! (I really hope one of them reads this somehow) xD
  • Whats the nickname you made for me?<br>uh lala is what i call you i should make a better one then again you use allie so.....<br><br>How did you meet me?? <br>RPGs i think mine to be exact<br><br>lala random talking shall we?
  • lol, thanks for not writing 50 pages.<br><br><br><br>I am sorry but i don't the ac will read this, BUT! Where on earth can you not have your dog on leash on your own property? if you couldn't where i live, well i think we would be knee deep in tickets becasue in the winter we get horriable snow and no one likes walking out to their pen so we just leave the gate open and they stay in until we call them inside. although my family never obeys leash lays any way. for example the campground we stayed in had a no dogs off leash rule but we still let them off leash on the trails abd to throw the frisbee. i mean what can they do about it.
  • Stupid AC. I never did care much for most AC workers I've met. They just seem kinda slow, you know? And they overreact over the little thing, but when it comes to something thats actually important they don't care. You remember those puppies I told you about that were getting killed? Well, when we called AC about it they didn't do squat about it. But don't leave your dog off a leash in your own yard or they'll try to prosecute you. :roll: <br><br>Anywho...I need to go drink my morning coffee. I feel like a zombie. lol <br><br>I just hope the stupid AC realize that Bully wouldn't hurt anybody unless a) you told him to. or b) he was protecting you. The sooner they realize that the sooner they can get on with their lives. Maybe they're lives are just so boring that they had to blow this way out of proportion in order to get something to do. haha
  • Yeah, the animal control here isn't too good. When I lived in Hawaii, they had the BEST AC officers. I wanted to be one so bad, then when my mom got the job as one I got to go with her to work all the time and I learned everything there is to know about AC and the humane I KNOW when they are and are not doing their jobs and I KNOW their obligations. When I moved to the main land it was ridiculous how bad the AC was, it's nothing like you see on TV shows, lol, the ones on TV shows are rare. I really could care less if they stalk me now, I know their jobs better then they do, and I've <span style="font-style:italic">memorized</span> the state laws when it comes to my dogs! xD I can find a way out of anything they try to pin on me. <br><br>Allie, most everyone has a nickname for me and I have a nickname for only: Gemini, Emme, and Mysty. So it's ok ; )
  • ya, we have like two main placses were our rescue dogs go. One is super clean, very organized, and just a great all around place. But they mostly take animals brought to the shelter. The other is horriable with chain linck otdoor kennels, cement floors, and its dirty and this is were they take the dogs when the catch them on the street. We have some good officers though. BUt actually not many like stray animals or viciouse ones.
  • The place that I volunteer at right now is EXTREMELY clean..and all the animals are happy. I have a relationship with every single animal in there. It's a relatively small shelter, so I have the time to visit every dog and cat and horse. But bonding with all the animals makes it that much harder to see them go. Still, I'm proud to say that we haven't put an animal to sleep in six months! xD We haven't had to. Due to my extreme salesman type skills (lol), I've been abe to have all animals adopted/fostered before their deadline. Only once was I not able to adopt a dog out before he reached his time limit at the shelter, and I took that dog home, then about three days later found a perfect old lady that wanted a dog just like him. : ) It's all happy endings here. I can remember every single animal that I've ever met and had adopted. I know I've found homes for over 165 dogs, maybe even over 200, statistics still make me sad though, millions of animals are killed each year. : ( Which is why we must all do our part, so volunteer at your local animal shelter! : ) And I'll give you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of huggles! (that's a ton of lots xD)
  • aww i dont no if i could work at an animal shelter i would be so depressing but i really would like to help. at our shelter all their is is cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, and other small animals but no horses which is sad, because i love horses.
  • Yeah, it can be sad. But when a dog is put to sleep I think of it as an okay thing. I mean, atleast they aren't behind bars, abused, or beaten anymore right?
  • ya, i guess. but it breaks my heart to see dogs put to sleep that wernt give a chance to be good dogs.
  • Where the heck is mysteeee?? I misses her!! <br><br>It does get sad. Initially I was supposed to be the person to put them to sleep. Like the grim reeper or something. O.O Luckily I've never had to do that.
  • WHAT :shock: don't they like bring him to a vet or let the head dog keeper do that?
  • As long as you know how to do do O.O
  • :shock: what the heck is wrong with thoes people. i think i might have accedently triped and drained one into the head persons arm
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