Its so funny how each dog has their own personality, and a lot of the time, their personality matches that of their owners. My neighbors bullmasstiff was a genlte giant, but yours sounds like anything but. She sounds like a very confident and well rounded dog though, she just likes to do things on her own. Theres nothing wrong with a little independence. <br><br>That sucks. I hope your grandpa is able to move on. I have lost so many pets and it devastated me every time. It didn't matter if it was a cat, dog, chicken, or even baby bird we rescued...every time we lost one I would cry for weeks. Heck, I even cried when our Gerbils got out of the cage and escaped into the houses ventilation. We never did find them again. I hope Zojak at least died quickly so he didn't suffer a lot. Thats weird though. Maybe the fight did have something to do with it? I don't know.
lol..yes, we did. Champagne is VERY well rounded. Although she can think for herself, she is extremely obedient and I have absolutely no problem keeping her controlled. She hasn't actually bitten a single person.
lol Finny. me and Zyn just like to talk a lot. :-D<br><br>Thats good, Zyn. She sounds like a great dog.
<br><br><br>Ok I lied..she bit one person.. but that was my boyfriend and she was still a puppy xD<br><br>Anyway..I got a lot of stuff to catch up on on I wont be on the forums for the next few days.. but AS SOON as I come back, I'm creating a thread and I'am making you guys have intellectual conversations with me again!!! xD Until then..I'm working on getting you your dye finy..techinical difficulties..and I'll talk to you all soon! : 0
What I meant by technical difficulties finny (just to be clear) was that VP for some reason isn't processing my transaction request thingys..but I'll message you and Kaz as soon as it stops being stupid and starts working (which should be soon, I'm getting help from Ops) xD okie dokie then..bye friendssss : )
Awesome! The thread should be called:<br><br>"An Intellectual Conversation With Yours Truly" XD<br><br><br>And I can't thank you enough for the dye. ♥ youuuu so much. I honestly don't care how long it takes, and Bumby won't have either when she sees it. XD
lol...that is exactly what I'll call it. You don't have to thank me that much at all xD thank YOU for being patient. Anywho..I must leave now, I'm at the library O.O I'll talk to you all in a few days!
<span style="font-size:150">PLEASE DISCONTINUE POSTING ON THIS THREAD</span> <br><br>(not directed to anyone in particular, just people who were planning to post if there were any xD) THANK YOU!!