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Super Dock-Jumping Challenge! [Final Placings Up!]

Spring is almost here and what better way to celebrate than to host a dock-jumping tournament?<br><br>So, the challenge to all you breeders and trainers: <span style="font-weight:bold">breed and train the <span style="font-style:italic">best</span> dock-jumping dog on VP!</span><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Rules</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">* A minimum of 20 dogs must be entered from at least 10 players in order for this event to run.</span><br>* Dogs entered in this competition may <span style="font-weight:bold">not</span> have ID #s <span style="font-weight:bold">less</span> than 1881683. As in, they must have been bred very recently (this is to minimize the affects of Courage and Adaptability on this competition.)<br>* Dogs with Courage & Adaptability greater than 230 are ineligible to compete.<br>* Dogs may not have any previous events on their record—they must enter this with a 0 competition level.<br>* All breeds, genders and ages of dogs are eligible to compete.<br>* Dogs do not have to have been bred or trained by you; you may purchase dogs from the market (check the ID # first!) and hire someone to train them if you wish.<br>* Dogs must be shown by their owners. You may <span style="font-weight:bold">not</span> hire someone else to enter your dog(s) in events!<br>* Tip: Skills and stats important in Dock Jumping can be found <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">here</a>.<br>* Dogs will compete in groups of no more than 10 in each round (exact numbers will depend on interest). After the first round of 12 events for each group, the field will be cut in half based on competition level. The remaining dogs will compete in another round of 12 events (again in groups of no more than 10). This pattern will continue until the last 10 dogs are left. These dogs will face off in one more round to determine the Top Ten order of finish.<br>* Events will run when all dogs from the group have been entered <span style="font-weight:bold">or</span> when they reach -4 days. If you miss entering events for your group your dog will not be disqualified, but missing out on competition score will hurt its overall chances of winning.<br>* Players may enter a maximum of 4 dogs.<br><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Prizes</span>**<br><span style="font-style:italic">Donations of VPC, years of training, uncommon 10x4s and 5oak or less gifties are accepted and appreciated.</span><br><br>First: 10 million VPC, 50 years of training from Aziu, a custom image by Aziu for the TOP Dock-Jumping dog on VP!, first choice of neutered 10x4 Sealyham Terrier or Kuvasz or gifty<br>Second: 6 million VPC, 20 years of training from Aziu, a custom image by Aziu for the second best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!, second choice of neutered 10x4 Sealyham Terrier or Kuvasz or gifty<br>Third: 3 million VPC, 10 years of training from Aziu, a custom image by Aziu for the third best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!, third choice of neutered 10x4 Sealyham Terrier or Kuvasz or gifty<br>Fourth: 2 million VPC, runner-up banner by Aziu for the fourth best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!<br>Fifth: 1 mil VPC, runner-up banner by Aziu for the fifth best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!<br>Sixth: 1 mil VPC, runner-up banner by Aziu for the sixth best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!<br>Seventh: 1 mil VPC, runner-up banner by Aziu for the seventh best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!<br>Eighth: 1 mil VPC, runner-up banner by Aziu for the eight best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!<br>Ninth: 1 mil VPC, runner-up banner by Aziu for the ninth best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!<br>Tenth: 1 mil VPC, runner-up banner by Aziu for the tenth best Dock-Jumping dog on VP!<br><br>**An additional 4 million [added], a neutered 10x4 Sealyham Terrier [added] and a neutered 10x4 Kuvasz have been donated by Nutty. [added]<br>**This <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">gifty</a> has been donated by Whineh. [added]<br><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">To Enter</span><br>To enter your dog(s), fill out and post the following form:<br>
<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Player Name:</span> namehere<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kennel Link:</span> linkhere<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog #1 Link:</span> linkhere<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog #2 Link:</span> linkhere<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog #3 Link:</span> linkhere<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog #4 Link:</span> linkhere<br>


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