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Dogs (for anyone with a good reason)(Good stats)

edited March 2011 in Giveaways, Etc.
Okay i have good dogs that need good homes so here we go.<br><br>If you want a dog please fill out this forum:<br>Name(in game):<br>Kennel link:<br>Money:<br>Amount of dogs you have:<br>There stats:<br>Your reason(at least 10 sentance the lower it is i might not give you a dog):<br>What will you do with the dog:<br>Any breeds you have in mind(stats will not be suggested if you asked for a certian stat you will not get a dog):<br>Trained or not trained:<br>Do you agree not to sell the dog to anyone but back to me:<br>Would you like more then one dog(if so post how many):


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