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People who are no shows

edited March 2011 in Vent
so about two weeks ago my horse trainer was supposed to have some one come out at a certain time and he said he would call before heading out. Well we braught the horse in, groomed him up, banded his main and what not. Well this guy never showed up or even called to say he wasnt going to be able to make it. well 3 days later she was expecting some one to come and buy a old tool van from her, once again they never showed up ro even called.<br><br>So today out of the blue the guy who was supposed to come 2 weeks ago shows up without even calling to let her know he was coming and then just kind of had this "rude" kind of attitued. Well like 10 minutes later the guy for the tool van shows up without even calling first and wants to buy the tool van but doesnt even offer her as much as he said he would pay.<br><br>It irriates me so much when people say they will show up and never do, if you call and give a heads up that you cant make it thats fine. But its completly rude not to even call if you dont come out. Then to show up out of no where, gah. Seriously?


  • I hate people like that!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I sat outside a store for 2 hours about a year ago because a lady decided she wanted to <br>buy a rabbit from me and she never showed up. I dont get it either because she called me back <br>expressing intrest in it and set up the date to get her and everything. Its not like most people<br>do when they dont want a rabbit and just never call back. She just never showed up and never <br>called me back to explain why she didnt make it. It made me soo mad!!
  • That's so rude! I've never had someone not show up, but I have had someone that never called. We went to look at a puppy for me that someone had resuced and was selling, we were interested and talked to the owner, saw the puppy, told her we'd call when we made our desicion. My dad left a message and called 2 times the next day and no responce what so ever. Needless to say, we didn't get the puppy.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Its just so irritating if you say your going to do somthing then do it. That same guy that looked at the horse said he would call back monday with a offer.... guess what he never did.<br><br><br>The guy who wanted the tool van was supposed to get a trailer to haul it like on monday guess what he never showed up.
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