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edited March 2011 in Giveaways, Etc.
- Prizes given out - contracts accepted -<br><br>Goodie Dye Give-a-way coming soon!!


  • <span style="font-weight:bold">My Kennel:</span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><span style="font-weight:bold">-Why do you want the upgrade?</span><br>There are many reasons why I would love an upgrade. I've been playing the game for almost 3 years. About a year ago, I took a break from VP. I had a lot going on in real life. I gave away almost all of my money and dogs. However, it was too hard to stay away from this game! So, I came back and decided to start fresh. Anyways, I really enjoy VP. My greatest love is helping the "newbies." However I also enjoy eventing and I'm currently working with labrador retrievers. A sponsor upgrade would really help me to complete these goals. The only way that I can afford an upgrade is with virtual cash. And I'm still a long ways away from saving up even VPC. Really, I just think it would be amazing to earn some more VPC faster, and put this towards programs to help newbies. I'm confident that a 6 month upgrade would help me eventually purchase a year upgrade, hwich would be great. I love virtual pups but there's only so much you can do as a novice. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">-What have you done to excel in VP so far?</span><br>To be honest, I tend to switch projects a lot. A long, long time ago I can remember doing a mutt project. Surprisingly, it was really successful considering I was a newer player with little cash. I trained, evented, and resold a lot of unnwanted mutts, and alos released/retired some of them. I also used to breed bloodhounds and I helped increase their stats. I never actually bred the first 6x4 or anything, but I think my work did contribute to that. Right now, I am eventing labs and slowly getting into border collies as well. I almost opened a club to help new players. I had it all organized, collected donations, was ready to roll but my partner quit the game. However I still love helping newbies and recently made a help website which is still under construction. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">-Future goals?</span><br>I would love to become a succesful eventer. Besides that, I really want to start a club or program to help new players. As I said before, I did get really close! I'm confident with a few tweaks I can create a program to provide advice, donations, and help to new players. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">-Accomplished Goals?</span><br>*Having a succesful mutt program that reduced the population of low statted mutts and turned some unnwanted dog into great eventers<br>*Improving bloodhounds<br>*Making 25mil as a novice<br>*Improving my eventers and getting some pretty good regionals<br>*Restatring on VP and making almost 12mil as a novice in about 4 months<br>*Creating a site to help new players (most recent!)<br><br>Thanks for doing this! Whoa, I did not realize it was going to be that long!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Oh you so nice lala laru I wish I was a novice so I could post here
  • OHHH NO I POSTED HERE I sorry I not do it again :cry: <br><br><br> :( oh no I just posted never again though that's what I'll do for lent not post here
  • @ Emme: It's fine...weirdo :shock: <br><br>@ iluvdogs: PERFECT example of what I want the forms to look. Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions thoroughly.
  • edited March 2011
    <span style="font-weight:bold">My kennel:</span> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Why I want the upgrade:</span> I have not been playing VP for very long, but I love the game and I was planning on buying myself a sponsorship when I got paid, but after all of the bills were taken care of I simply did not have the extra money to spare. I have been playing for a few weeks now, although I did play once before. I played for about two months before, then I had computer issues and moved, so I simply forgot about VP in all of the chaos. When I finally had the chance to get back on I could not remember any of my login info, and thats back when I was using a different email which I got rid of, so I had no way of getting my info. So I made a new account and started over from scratch. I have been lucky so far, I have made some wonderful friends who have helped me out by giving me either VPC or fully trained dogs to help me show and event. So I have never been a sponsor and I would love the opportunity! <br><span style="font-weight:bold">What I have done to excel in VP so far:</span> Being a novice, there isn't a whole lot I can do or excel in. Although I have earned myself a good chunk of cash, many thanks to those people who helped me out when I was broke and losing hope in the game. I had a few thousand vpc, not enough to keep up with my dogs and I was quickly losing money. But after a little help from some friends, I quickly started earning money again. I started betting on events, and earned a good deal of money that way. I have a greyhound that has won several events for me in the short time I have had it. I bred a Great Pyrenees male that had horrible stats, but I am slowly working on bettering his stats via training, and despite him not being stat maxed, he has still won a few events for me as well.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Future goals?:</span> <br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><li class="bb-listitem">Breed a line of German Shepherd Dogs, possibly breed the first 10x4.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Possibly start a Great Pyrenees and Great Dane line as well in my breeding kennel.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Learn to use GIMP and open a picture service.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Open a rescue kennel.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Open a training kennel.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Offer rescues to novices for free once fully trained and stat maxed.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Sell some of my high statted GSD line for cheap, that way novices or people who are low on money could still obtain one of my dogs.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Earn 5mill in VPC.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Make more awesome friends![/*]</li><br></ul><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Accomplished Goals:</span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><li class="bb-listitem">Earned over 200k vpc in the short time I have been playing, thanks to those people who helped me out when I was first getting started. [/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Showed dogs, some of which are quickly on their way to becoming a regional or higher.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Started over from scratch when I lost the info for my old account.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Made some awesome friends! [/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Obtained my 10 dog limit as a novice, most of whom are 8x4 or higher. [/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Trained almost all of my dogs myself as a novice.[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">There is probably more, but I can't think of them right now. So if I remember anything else I will edit this.[/*]</li><br></ul>
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-size:200"><span style="color:#FF0000">SIOBHAN'S (+Maitre+) APPLICATION FOR A KENNEL UPGRADE</span></span></span></span><br><br><br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">Kennel Linkage!</span></span> : <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Frisson de la AWESOME....I kid, I kid, Chasse</a> :3<br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">Why do you want the upgrade?</span></span><br>I know there are novices who have been around for much longer than I have, and COULD be more deserving for their patience, but that does no stop me from going after a dream. To have a kennel upgrade, to be able to show, breed, and care for my dogs even BETTER, would be an awe-worthy thing. With a gained upgrade, I would create a breeding kennel and focus on the breeds that have been established on VP, but sadly neglected as well. SO many people choose the dogs they have in real life and over breed, under sell, and create a raging horde of rabid, bad-statted, beast-monkeys. Yup, BEAST-MONKEYS. I would change that. :) Why haven't I bought a sponsor account for myself? Sadly I work a dead-end job, attend college full-time, and take care of my snakes and my dogs. This aaaaaaall equals up to no extra money for poor Maitre. If I got a sponsor keel upgrade from you Zynny.... I think I might explode D:. In happiness. Explody-happiness. Okay so in short; I'm deserving and apprieciative, I'd love to better breeds, long-live the non-beast-monkeys!, and explody-goo of happiness. :3<br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">What have you done to excel in VP so far?</span></span><br>First off, I've made some amazing friends. All these new pall-i-o's have helped me so much and A-LOT of what I have done couldn't have been done without THEM. Anywho; I have bred a wonderful little of Neo. mastiffs and given most away to novices looking for excellent weight-pullers. I have worked hard in showing and brought up untouched dogs to regional-level in about a month (Which I feel great about!), and continue trying to better them through training and other players help showing (Winkwinknudgenudge Zynny). I opened a shop here in the forums to sell off dog pictures and banners for cheap and often give them away in the giveaway forum. Recently, I've been trying to raise up some awesome Tibetan Mastiffs to regional level and beyond and I'm very excited about them. More than half my dogs are rescues, and I love doing my part to support the other players here on VP.<br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">Future goals?</span></span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">+ Improve the over-bred, forgotten breeds of VP.<br> + Be the proud new mama of a sponsor kennel. <br> + Own great showers, eventers, and companions.<br> + Make even more awesome friends.<br> + Finish working on my darn RP (Sorry, random.)<br> + Give away high-statted dogs to novices in need.<br> + Work on the 100 pictures and 20 banners I owe Zynny. :3<br></ul><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">Accomplished Goals?</span></span><br> <br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">+ Bred a litter of great statted Neo. Mastiffs.<br> + Started a great line of Tibetan Mastiffs.<br> + Made good friends.<br> + Fully trained every dog that has come through my kennel (Skill/ Stat Maxxed/ some grooming)<br> + Shown my dogs to their full potential.<br> + Maintained a happy kennel.<br> + Made over 700,000 in VP in my short time here through donations, showing, and working.<br> + Figured out how VP works!<br></ul>
  • I'm wierd :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: well your.......... Creepy so HA 8)
  • Gem: You are awesome, I love your banner ; ) Thank you for submitting friend : )<br><br>Maitre: It's only 98 pics now deary ; ) I might not be able to join the dragon RP now, much to my dismay : ( I have a lot of stuff to do and had to kill off all my characters in other RPs. As NO ONE has noticed, I haven't been on in a few will be like that a lot now. Anywho, thank you for submitting : )
  • Sorry it posted 3 times :S
  • Sorry it posted 3 times :S
  • Sorry :s
  • Sorry :S
  • puppyluv- Thankyou for entering. I would really like to know more though. Being honest, you would probably have a much higher chance of winning if your entry looked something like iluvdogs..just a suggestion : )
  • LaLa_Laru wrote:
    Gem: You are awesome, I love your banner ; ) Thank you for submitting friend : )<br>
    <br><br>I love the banner, too. ; ) I also just wanted to let you know I edited my entry some, I came up with some more to add to my accomplishments and future goals.
  • gemini2011 wrote:
    LaLa_Laru wrote:
    Gem: You are awesome, I love your banner ; ) Thank you for submitting friend : )<br>
    <br><br>I love the banner, too. ; ) I also just wanted to let you know I edited my entry some, I came up with some more to add to my accomplishments and future goals.
    <br><br>Thank you, I've reread it.
  • If i wasnt so cheap I would do one of thease I think this is so funny I love your banner, me to, me three (it realy does Rock though) or I'm honered that you bought my dog 1 year 4 months 16 days and 6 hours ago
  • What?? told me you wouldn't do it're doing it. LOL. But its ok, thats why you're my friend, because you are weird and forgetful :mrgreen:
  • edited March 2011
    <span style="font-size:150">My Kennel</span><br><br>Link: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br><span style="font-size:85">Why Do you want the upgrade?: I would like to bring to VP better dogs, help novices get a head start, and breed quality dogs. I have worked very hard on VP to try to breed good dogs, help others by providing tips and good, cheap dogs. I would like to fully train and sell dogs to the novices in that six month period. I want to help and a sponsor upgrade would truly help me out.</span><br><br><span style="font-size:85">What have you done to excel in VP so far: I have done countless things. To name a few, sold cheap dogs to novices. I have bred quality dogs. I have earned over 100,000 vpc. There are many many other things, like finding out how VP works, earning over TWENTY fame points. All in under a month of playing VP.</span><br><br><span style="font-size:85">Goals Acheived: Breeding quality dogs, buying two Lifeless Labs that were not related and succesfully breeding them, earning over 100,000 VPC, buying over half of the halloween breeds (Most are sold now), helping novices. Working hard to get a sponsorship.</span><br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:85">Breeding the first 10x4 Lifeless Labs, getting a Roadkill Coyote (not gonna happen lol), helping Novices, opening a graphic shop for novices only, making a novice program, etc.</span>
    R.I.P Max I love you so so much my baby Chihuhuahua dog! 2005-2010
  • <span style="color:#BF0000"><span style="font-size:150">TO ALL THOSE THAT HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED: I EDITED THE TOPIC.<br>PLEASE READ TO CHECK IF IT DOES OR DOESN'T PERTAIN TO YOU..THANK YOU MY FELLOW NOVEEES.. </span></span> :mrgreen:
  • Oh my gosh you right :shock: <br><br>I'm a bad kid I'll go sit in the corner now :cry:
  • Thank you to all those that have edited. And thank you emme..for writing random stuff and hijacking my thread.
  • What does hijacking mean
  • hijacking:<br>1. to steal (cargo) from a truck or other vehicle after forcing it to stop: to hijack a load of tomatoes. <br>2. to rob (a vehicle) after forcing it to stop: They hijacked the truck before it entered the city. <br>3. to seize (a vehicle) by force or threat of force. <br>4. to skyjack. <br> i didnt steal your tomatoes right :shock: im sorry i didnt no :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • hijack:<br><br>5. to seize control of. <br><br>No you did not steal my tomatoes but those are not the only definitions.
  • <span style="font-size:150">-Why do you want the upgrade?</span><br>I would like to get a kennel going full fledge to help do my lines and better the people of VP more. Also,I'd like to get some events going with full and lesser purses as the eventing world has dwindled<br><br><span style="font-size:150">-What have you done to excel in VP so far?</span><br>I've been on this game for years now! Just sold one account, and gave away two thinking that I could givethis addiction up but I miss it too much!<br>I've been educated, sold many dogs (to the best homes of course!) Helped everyone that I can, trained rescues to give away<br>Trained for free for many complete strangers<br><br><br><span style="font-size:150">-Future goals?</span><br>To help EVERY novice who asks and wants money! <br>TO reach 10x4's in unique breeds that need work! :P <br><br><span style="font-size:150">-Accomplished Goals?</span><br>American Pit Bull Line<br>Novice Help Program<br>Made a total of something like 350 mil in 1 year :) Hahahah :) <br><br><br><br>LINK TO MY KENNEL: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • edited March 2011
    <span style="font-size:75"><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">i feel kind of selfish posting here but what can you do. i miss this game a lot though and it would be awesome to come back a sponser.<br><br>kennel link; <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>-Why do you want the upgrade?<br>so like i said earlier, i've been playing vp on and off for a good while. i think we're going on five years now? i'm not sure, i lost track of time. anyway, this is my second account as the first time i played i was lucky enough to become a sponsor, but after i decided to quit i sold that account as well as my only line of dogs plus my first two gifties i had ever created. anyway, i cam back a few months later and managed to wrangle up enough money to buy a used sponsor account, which i loved as well. i made a good chunk of change off that and saved into the current novice account i have now. i've also shared a sponsor account with someone, but i don't quite remember who, my apoligies. basically what i'm trying to say is that i've been training since i started and i enjoy it. however, much of that fabulous chunk of change went to renting the sponsor account i used for a few weeks. at one point, for a maybe a month i was able to get my hands on a rescue kennel and i have to say that was overly enjoyable for me. i loved it. when i first started out, i became a novice rescue kennel and i had a lot of fun, getting unwanted dogs training them up some and selling them back out for cheap. wow, but was that a long time ago. as i was saying, i've been off and on for a long time and now i'm coming back again because this website is addicting, i can't stay away for more than a couple months. before i left again, i was working on a line of superpups but those fell through after i couldn't get my other set trained. so now, i have two superpups that i'm trying to sell and i'm trying to figure out a new direction to go with my kennel. i think i would like to try a rescue kennel again because i really enjoyed that but i'm not completely sure what i want to do yet.<br><br>-What have you done to excel in VP so far?<br>so far in vp, i've owned two sponsor kennels, though that was years ago. pre - 2007. i feel so old, haha. as a novice, i started a line of staffies that did pretty well until i sold them to a friend so she could finish them as a sponsor because i thought she would have a better chance with reaching 10 x 4's, which i believe she did but i'm not completely positive on that, as i said that was a long time ago. when i got my first sponsor account, i managed to start up a line of steppe hounds and dye the first two of them, i was really proud of myself but then some things started to happen in real life so i had to quit. so i sold them off to someone i thought i could trust but that didn't end well for them, my two colors are still floating around out there as 2OAKs i believe. i could look it up but i'm rather lazy at the moment as i am multitasking. i have family over and we just got a new puppy and what not so life is kinda hectic at the moment but i'm enjoying it. but i've evented my dogs and made some to regionals, i wish i had links. i've made over 100 mill in vpc, which has been spent on dogs, sponsor trainings, the two dyes, and renting a sponsor kennel. i've gotten high stats on quite a few dogs, but i can't remember which dogs though were either. oh lord i must be getting old, my memory is failing me lol. now back as a novice, i've mantained my money and also trained and evented other dogs. i'm either looking to event some new dogs or create a rescue kennel.<br><br>-Future goals?<br>i'm hoping to do another line and actually stick through this one and get the highest stated dogs of one breed, i haven't quite decided which ones yet. i want to event a dog to national level, just one. that's been a goal of mine since i've started. i also want tos tart a program to better one breed. i have a lot of lofty goals but if i could achieve just one, i think it would be fabulous.<br><br>-Accomplished Goals?<br>ohh, well. i kinda wrote most of this up farther but yeah; i've created two colors, i've imported multiple different dogs, i've started lines and i've owned my own sponsor kennel. <br><br>thanks so much for this,<br> bella<br></ul></span>
  • Massie & Bella: Thank you both. The thread has been updated and you are now official contestants : ) <br><br><span style="color:#4080FF"><span style="font-size:150">TO EVERYONE: Be sure to read ALL updates, they could help you win! I'm thinking about giving out prizes to all those that enter and don't win the sponsor account because I'd feel bad leaving anyone empty handed. I was thinking maybe 1 million dollars each?? I'm not to sure. I don't want to say that I'm giving all participants 1 million dollars because then FAKES would enter just to get the money. Honesty is what I'm looking for, if I even get a hint of..what's it called??..fake-ness?? You will not be added!! </span></span><br><br><span style="color:#FF0000">Check this thread daily! I'll be changing the thread's title whenever I make an update! </span>
  • <span style="font-size:200"><span style="color:#FF0000">RE submitting </span>;)</span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">-Why do you want the upgrade?</span><br>I would like to get a kennel going full fledge to help do my lines (Golden Retriever, Labs, and other sporting dogs) and better the people of VP more. Also,I'd like to get some events going with full and lesser purses as the eventing world has dwindled.. I feel it's really important<br><br><span style="font-size:150">-What have you done to excel in VP so far?</span><br>I've been on this game for 5 years now! Just sold one account, and gave away two thinking that I could givethis addiction up but I miss it too much!<br>I've been educated, sold many dogs (to the best homes of course!) Helped everyone that I can, trained rescues to give away<br>Trained for free for many complete strangers :P <br>I've made lots of money fairly and completely dedicate myself to help people who need it, and want help. <br><br><span style="font-size:150">-Future goals?</span><br>To help EVERY novice who asks and wants money/education/dogs! <br>TO reach 10x4's in unique breeds that need work! :P <br>Better VP<br>Become an "elder of the VP world" :)<br>Save 100 dogs from releasing and have a rescue-to-show dog program!<br><br><span style="font-size:150">-Accomplished Goals?</span><br>American Pit Bull Line/GSD<br>Novice Help Program<br>Made a total of something like 350 mil in 1 year :) Hahahah :) <br>Been a member for 5 years :)<br>Never been rude or iritable to other players!<br><br><br>LINK TO MY KENNEL: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • I looked it up on and it's a good thing I didn't steL your tomatoes I was a little scared there
  • Thank you for your re-submission.<br>If anyone else would like to redo or resubmit your entries, please <span style="color:#FF0080">EDIT YOUR FIRST POST</span>, instead of making a new one.
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