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Rules Discussion

edited March 2011 in General Discussion
In light of recent suggestions that more rules be put in place, I thought maybe a discussion about rules might be interesting.<br><br>Having rules is a good thing, it helps people know what are acceptable actions and what aren't. They keep the forums, game and chat from de-evolving into chaos and places people would rather not go. <br><br>If there aren't enough rules, people are still confused and again things go south quickly. Who wants to go somewhere full of drama, cursing, fights, cheating, etc? Mostly those who like those kinds of things, which doesn't draw the kind and caring people (assuming those currently on the forums are) we like to associate with.<br><br>Too many rules and people feel excessively restricted and they stop interacting. Who would want to go somewhere where they're afraid to say anything out of fear of getting into trouble? Not many, especially after getting into trouble too much and being banned.<br><br>So, should rules be made anytime people start doing something that's annoying? I could see new rules being made by me at least once a month when almost everything can get annoying. Probably more than that when someone new joins the community and makes a lot of little social blunders that can be annoying as heck.<br><br>What kind of rules should be made? Rules that dictate how "polite" people have to be? Rules the require people to jump through hoops in order to interact? What about rules that require people to back up their opinions with hard fact? Well, what then constitutes hard fact? Maybe rules that enforce common sense? Hmm, my common sense may be more or less well developed than the person who posts after me. Many times, when I read something I think "Why didn't they just do this?" Of course, I have posted things that seem very confusing to me and someone points out an obvious, commonsensical alternative and I have a head-slap-Doh! moment.<br><br>My personal opinion is that the fewer rules, the better. More rules means more things people can get into trouble for and turn them away from our community. Rules should be for things that really do more than annoy people. Rules should be for things that hurt people or hurt the community or have an ability to hurt the game. Rules shouldn't be used to "teach" people how to act, that's the job of leading by example or having a quiet word with someone.<br><br>What do you think?
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>


  • Everyone needs some boundaries and limitations, but one should not go overboard dictating the do's and dont's of interactions. Virtualpups already has a lot of rules, and I feel slightly constricted by the ones we have already, and I don't feel that we need any more rules.
  • I alsol feel slightly constricted. I think that in the RPG section, we should at least be able to make the title text box say, for example, STRAY: A DOG RPG- WARNING- AGES 9+ or something and do it more then just G (It's hard to do it realistic, how i like it, with just G rating) it could be PG if we have an age warning, and the mods post a topic like new rules for RPG and say you need to follow the age set by the RPG leader, they put it there for a reason, so us older kids can do stuff other then: When Annie lashed out rudely at Sam, Sam nipped her throat and walked off.<br><br>I mean, come on. So I think that rule should be changed.<br><br>Also, I have seen lots of cussing here (not bleeped) so they should make them into little **** or make a rule NO CUSSING or something. Cuss words do include DAM*, HEL* and stuff. I have to point that out cuz another site agreed with me, nothing but the big big big bad *f* word was being bleeped. <br><br>That's the only rule changes/rules I feel necessary.
    R.I.P Max I love you so so much my baby Chihuhuahua dog! 2005-2010
  • I understand why VP's rules are the way they are. Everything must be kept to ratings approved by COPPA, in other words, they must be friendly to those under the age of 13. Damn, hell, crap, ass, etc are things heard on the evening television, and thus are not technically 'bad' words. The other ones, however, are not allowed on public television, and so are not approved of for those younger than 13 to be viewing, if I remember correctly.<br><br>That's not how I felt when I said I felt restricted. For me, it's more the whole 'no mentioning any other games' thing that bothers me the most. Even games that aren't online. I've been told off for talking about Pokemon in chat. Again, I understand why that rule's there, but it just makes it tough to really talk about some things.
  • When a person signs up for the forum anyway, they have to confirm that they're 13 and up. If a kid is 9 years old and joined claiming otherwise, I would say it's his or her fault if she/he was exposed to something that he/she did not agree with. I'm not saying that the forums should be adult rated, because it never should be. If you join a site knowing you're under the required age, you have to understand that there could be material on it that isn't appropriate. That's the point of an age requirement. <br><br>As Kazuko said, certain curse words are now considered "normal" terms. They're on the TV and even on some young teen shows. I've personally seen 5 year olds walking around with a sailor's mouth -- it's just how these new generations are apparently being raised. The "approved" curse words are okay so long as they're not directed at an individual. If you start cussing another player out, then it's a problem. If you're talking about how bad of a day you've had, then it's probably okay. If you don't agree with cursing, you can simply not curse and ignore it. I can't even say curse words in real life. I've never been able to bring myself to voice them. I can type them, but I'd have to be real angry to do so. I was raised around cursing though, so I'm used to hearing all sorts of foul words come out of my parents' mouths. I just ignore it.<br><br>If someone on the forum or in the game annoys you, but it isn't breaking a rule, just ignore them. If it makes you mad, just walk away. Nobody can function when they're emotional -- emotions and logic don't get along. Emotions tend to lead to impulse decisions and you might say/do something that you'll regret later. Also, I'd say try not to pass judgment on someone based off a previous mistake. People can change, even if it's rare, give them the benefit of the doubt. When I first joined the game I broke some rules and I bred like a puppy mill. After a little while I learned to respect the rules and I learned how to play the game in a more serious manner. Why? Because one amazing player didn't give up on me. Because she showed me the ropes and treated me like I wasn't just some annoying brat. (Which I was. ;P) She made me want to become a better person and a better player.<br><br>I think the rules we have now are fine. We don't really need anymore, at least, not at this particular moment. I think the rules are mostly common sense and center around safety and respect. If you can have a civil conversation with another human being, respect that you are both entitled to your own opinions, have patience, and can keep it child-friendly, then you'll be just fine. <br><br>Hrm, oh well. :P Point is, I agree with you, Bama. The fewer rules the better. If a behavior actually harms or has the intent to harm another individual or the community as a whole, then preventative measures should be taken. I don't really think anyone decides to get on VP and annoy people just for the sake of annoying them. Also, what one person finds annoying, another may not. Annoyance is a matter of opinion. Harming another individual really isn't.
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • Though the forums have an age rating to register and post, they can be viewed by anyone of any age. The forums need to reflect the game in being for all ages for that reason. <br><br>As for cussing, as Kazuko points out, many cuss words used on normal television are allowed. To disallow say the word, hell, when any nine year old watching Hannah Montana can hear it, would be overboard.<br><br>The RP forums are hidden, separate and require acceptance so that people can post without upsetting parents of younger kids that may be perusing the forums. The rules there, if anything, are lax compared to the rest of the game. There are things posted there that would get you warned and possibly banned anywhere else in the game. There was talk of not allowing RPs at all and this was the compromise. VP is not a Role Playing game, nor an RP site. We allow RPs because the players are interested in them. General consensus is that if you wish to describe excessively gory or violent stuff, it needs to be done somewhere else. RP is an excellent example of just enough rules to allow people some freedom, but not so few that it becomes an eye sore and people being turned off.<br><br>But this thread was meant more about the general topic of rules.. Some restrictions are necessary, but too many kill the community. Rules are good, but too much of a good thing can be bad.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I agree, the fewer rules the better. If people feel they are restricted too much they just won't play anymore. <br><br>Bama, I didn't think the Rp forums were hidden....ever since the forums were upgraded I saw them and I never had to get accepted into them.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Bama, I didn't think the Rp forums were hidden....ever since the forums were upgraded I saw them and I never had to get accepted into them.
    <br><br>Thank you for pointing that out. None of us realized the move had changed permissions for that section. It's corrected now.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    Bama, I didn't think the Rp forums were hidden....ever since the forums were upgraded I saw them and I never had to get accepted into them.
    <br><br>Thank you for pointing that out. None of us realized the move had changed permissions for that section. It's corrected now.
    <br><br>How do I get into them now?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Alabama wrote:
    <br>Thank you for pointing that out. None of us realized the move had changed permissions for that section. It's corrected now.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:90"><br>I agree that the fewer rules the better..<br>But, now that I can't see the RP forum do I look at it now? D: I like reading what others have written. xD<br>I'm not sure what the process is. <br></span>
  • Alabama wrote:
    <br>Thank you for pointing that out. None of us realized the move had changed permissions for that section. It's corrected now.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:90"><br>I agree that the fewer rules the better..<br>But, now that I can't see the RP forum do I look at it now? D: I like reading what others have written. xD<br>I'm not sure what the process is. <br></span>
    <br><br>Same here, and I'm in the middle of 2 RPs! LOL, I feel like I'm a student who just reminded the teacher about a test!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057&start=0</a>
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Thanks!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • <span style="font-size:90"><br>Thank you.(:<br></span>
  • Alabama wrote:
    <br>Thank you for pointing that out. None of us realized the move had changed permissions for that section. It's corrected now.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:90"><br>I agree that the fewer rules the better..<br>But, now that I can't see the RP forum do I look at it now? D: I like reading what others have written. xD<br>I'm not sure what the process is. <br></span>
    <br><br>Same here, and I'm in the middle of 2 RPs! LOL, I feel like I'm a student who just reminded the teacher about a test!
    <br><br>Speak for yourself... I'm in 5 I think. Lol.
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