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Mass Training

edited January 2006 in Game Suggestions
What about if instead of training an animal with the backspace F5 and enter keys about a million times, what if there was a way to say "Groom x4, Play Friendly x1" on a pet.... Or setting it up so you "groom all pets" or something like that?? Would work well if you were training the pups from a litter.


  • I sorta see your point, however it would make a reletively (sp???) easy game too easy. So, I say no.
  • Maybe you would have to pay like 5-10k if you wanted to do that, that might stop a few people from doing it!
    Dun message me. I quit.

    If you want a full explanation(most should know) message me
  • I say no, it's too complicated. Some people can't even manage training one dog at a time ( no offense some people!)
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