I'm playing with my dog and little cousin outside today when out of nowhere this dog jumps over our NINE FOOT wall and into our yard. The dog raises his ears and tail and growls at us. I go to protect my cousin but my cousin runs to pick up Buddy (he's three he doesn't know better) and by the time I tell him to stop the dog charges after my little cousin (James) and grabs him by the leg. I yell STOP IT and kick the dog in the ribs, HE DOESN'T LET GO, so I hit him across the back and grab him by the scruff. He still holds my cousin's leg in his mouth, James is crying and I can see blood, I hit the dog in the throat and HE DOESN'T LET GO. So I shove my hand into the space between the dog's mouth and my cousin's leg and I force my hand down the dog's throat. He lets go immedately and starts doing that gagging thing that dog's do before they throw up. He walks a short distance away from us and continues to gag. I pick my cousin up and rush towards the house, commanding Buddy to follow us, he does. When I get inside my brother calls the cops. And we get James to the hospital. He needed stitches. Apparently the dog could jump into our yard but he couldn't jump out, so he was still there when the owner showed up (the person that lives two houses down from us!!) I didn't actually cause injury to the animal..but he's probably going to be put to sleep. He even snarled at his owner when he tried to put a leash on him for the animal control officers!! I feel terrible, and my cousin's view of big dogs is probably forever ruined. I didn't want to hit the dog and I didn't want him to have to die, but even his owner said it was probably best. That dog has bitten the owner's kids before! My mother is dealing with all the legal stuff right now...I'm not sure what's going to happen yet. <br><br>I know I did some things wrong...but all I was thinking about was my cousin and how he was being hurt. That kid is my world. I seriously feel awful. I don't hate anyone, but I very much dislike the dog's owner. He knew his dog was vicious, he knew that if he got out he would bite. So WTH??!!??