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Hello & a Happy New Year while I'm at it :)

edited January 2011 in General Discussion
Yah, title says it all. <br>I'm fresh out of the box (joined today!)and thought the best way to get to know people and the game would be to join the forums :lol: <br>I'm Mara Lynn (I know - the nick's real original lol), currently going to college and love love LOVE animals - especially reptiles for that fact o0<br><br>I basically "stumbled" across VP and got hooked.<br>Instantly. <br>I hope this doesn't become an addiction XD<br>During my free time I enjoy doing artsy stuff like sketching or digital design etc.<br><br>Ummm that's pretty much all I think of right now. :)


  • MaraLynn wrote:
    Yah, title says it all. <br>I'm fresh out of the box (joined today!)and thought the best way to get to know people and the game would be to join the forums :lol: <br>I'm Mara Lynn (I know - the nick's real original lol), currently going to college and love love LOVE animals - especially reptiles for that fact o0<br><br>I basically "stumbled" across VP and got hooked.<br>Instantly. <br>I hope this doesn't become an addiction XD<br>During my free time I enjoy doing artsy stuff like sketching or digital design etc.<br><br>Ummm that's pretty much all I think of right now. :)
    <br><br>Welcome to VP! If you have any questions you can ask several people on here! We're all very friendly and most of us don't bite. XD <br>I said that once myself about VP and well, it's an addiction with no 12 step program.<br>There are plenty of artists as well on here. I am not one of them.<br><br>Nickname is Kitt and well again Welcome to VP!
  • <br>Welcome to VP! If you have any questions you can ask several people on here! We're all very friendly and most of us don't bite. XD <br>I said that once myself about VP and well, it's an addiction with no 12 step program.<br>There are plenty of artists as well on here. I am not one of them.<br><br>Nickname is Kitt and well again Welcome to VP!
    <br><br>I think the odd question will pop up along the way but I've already discovered the very helpful FAQs.<br>I already had a look at some of the amazing works of folks on here and I'm more than impressed.<br>I don't think I can keep up but I can try XD<br><br>Thank for welcoming me here :P
  • Welcome to VP! Im Mysterous Love call me Mysterous if you like :)<br>Hope we become great friends! <br>and Happy New Year to you too!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Youve completely jynxed yourself by saying you dont wanna get hooked.<br>Im 5 years hooked and proud of it. xD If you have questions im here to help.<br>Also if you need any dogs, ive got a couple trained dogs im giving away ;D
  • Iv'e been hooked for five years, so there is no escape! I find in college that its a great way to spend the weekend when no one else is around, and yes it is extremely addicting!
  • Hey there!<br>Welcome to VP!<br>I'm Coaster/Bobolu/Nailah XD<br>If you have any questions or need some help, feel free to let me know!<br>VP is very me. :D been playing 5 years with no breaks!<br>So...welcome and enjoy!
  • Welcome to VP <br>Yea,your right,this game is a serious addiction! LOL <br>I love animals to,I only have dogs and a cat,but I use to have a iguana,and when I was younger,I had 3 anole lizards that I cared for for about a year or so,until one day as usaul I brought them out in there travel/outdoor cage to catch them their food (dragonflies) and my dog knocked over their cage and they all died of shock. I was devastated. Anyways Welcome to the VP family!!
    SmiLe :)

  • Hiya! Im Cybe. I dont play the game much, but Ive heard Im a good person to talk to. I mainly lurk around the fourms and occasionally pop up in chat. If you have any questions Ill try to answer, but no promises because I dont know much.
  • Hello, and as far as hooked goes. I haven't been on in a while, but I'm back :) Feel free to message me if you need anything, or just want to talk :)
  • Heya, I'm Woody ^.^ I've been around here for.. I don't know, it's been around that long :mrgreen: Hah, you'll be addicted, trust me :D PM me if you need anything, or just to talk.

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
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