what I have so far:<br>-Chocolate Cupcake w/ Blue Frosting and Sprinkles<br>-White w/ Neon Paint Splatter and Blue Eyes<br>-Hot Apple Pie w/ Vanilla Ice Cream<br>-Electric Blue w/ green eyes and Guitar<br>-Zebra Print w/ Mohawk and Wild Side<br>-Crazy Eyes w/ Joker Smile and Green Hair<br>-Fluffy Fur w/ Green Eyes and Love able (my cat xD)<br>-Cinnamon Bun w/ Glazed Vanilla Icing<br> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Please do not steal any of my ideas please, I will be using these at some point<br></span><br>It will be for a Chow Chow
I Keith Urban!