Okay, so, I have a PB- Asphodel Fury. I have plans to auction off 10x4 pups. I do not have 10x4s yet. Actually, I haven't even received my imports yet. This is how the auction is weird.<br><br>This auction will end once I get 10x4 Asphodel Furies.<br>The winners <span style="font-style:italic">will</span> receive a 10x4 pup.<br>There will only be <span style="font-weight:bold">ten</span> Asphodel Pups sold to public. There are only eight here for auction. ;D There's a reason. I'm auctioning off one pup of every breed color, and two that will be dyed by the purchaser. The reason there are only eight here rather than ten is because I only have 6/8 breed colors. =p I'm working on getting the other two, but six was hard enough. xD<br><br>They will all be neutered. They will also have had their one-time color change to make sure no one changes their color to one I've already sold. =p You will get to select their name, but I want {XXX} in front. They will also come with colored lineart (drawn by Mossflower, edited and colored by me). The base lineart will be the same, but edits (IE: Sewn-Shut Mouth, Iron Collar, Rusted Armor, Elongated Canines) will differ depending on the color. <a href="
http://i51.tinypic.com/26414ec.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Asphodel Furies look like this fellow</a>, only minus the collar. (EDIT: For those dying your pups, I will special edit/color your lineart so you don't feel left out. ;D)<br><br>It takes about a month or two for me to reach 10x4s. On average, but I'll be gone for two weeks in November, so it may take a bit longer. Gives you time to save. =p<br><br>(Another Edit: The Asphodel stats are being fixed. =p The Aggression and Adaptability will both end up around 2-star average for imports, and they will have more than a 0-year average lifespan.

)<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">No retracting bids. Please. It does nothing but confuse me, and I will remember it and likely hold against you in anything else I do. >_> I'm that kind of petty person.</span><br><br>So, let's get to the puppies.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Blood-Soaked Brindle w. Sewn-Shut Mouth</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 5mil - Dutchess<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sanguine Harlequin w. Canary Eyes & Iron Collar</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 5mil - tarnish<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Cobalt, Charcoal Barred w. Elongated Canines</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 5mil - tarnish<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dappled Onyx w. Indigo Eyes & Rusted Armor</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 8mil - Saryina<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Unkempt Alabaster, Freckled w. Blood</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 5mil - Maxxy<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Abalone Agouti w. Cadmium Eyes</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 5mil - Dutchess<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dyed Pup 1</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 5mil - oreocakestergirl<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dyed Pup 2</span><br>SB: 5mil<br>HB: 10mil - Sim<br>BIN: 100mil<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Note for those bidding on the dyed puppies:</span><br>You pay for the dye.<br>You choose the color.<br>I will not give you the puppy until you have paid for the dye. Sorry.

Quote Of The Week:
Every wise man started out as a regular man asking lots of questions.