Is this sarcastic?<br>Sorry if it isn't, and sorry if you feel that way.<br><br>I just came back and JUST got a sponcer account to share but my main is still a novice and I'll been treated very well. Sorry you haven't gotten the same experience, but remember, these are people on the internet you might never ever meet. Don't let what anyone says on here get you down. Dust yourself off and keep playing <span style="color:#FF0080"><span style="font-weight:bold">< 333</span></span><br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" />
Breeding outstanding Labradoodles, Tibetan Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, & Long Haired Wemerianers. Supporting the Biewer & Aatu Tamaskan!
Well when i noticed the low stats i tryed to make a stat improvement group. people made fun of me and said it stupid,dumb,or imposibile. they did it in public wich made it sooo much worse
If they harass/embarrass you in public you can always report them. Name calling and public humiliation are against the TOS of Virtualpups. I think the game masters can view messages and such, so as long as you didn't delete anything you could still report the players in question.<br><br>As far as being popular or liked on VP, you don't really need a sponsor kennel. It definitely helps, to be honest. I tested that out a couple years ago, and at least back then it was much harder to get a response as a novice, than it was as a sponsor. Either way, if you speak clearly and politely, you'll eventually get noticed as a competent player. People won't care if you're a novice or a sponsor, so long as you're courteous and show respect for yourself and others. You could be a sponsor that's downright rude, and nobody [in the right mind] will like you. Just because you are capable of paying real or virtual cash for an upgrade, doesn't mean you're a good person. It also doesn't mean that everyone will get along. That's my opinion, anyway.<br><br>I don't think stat improvement groups are really worth the effort. You might get a couple players interested, but I think more often than not, they'll just do whatever breed(s) they want. You could try focusing on a breed (or breeds) that you like and have a passion for. Perhaps you could even find a partner to help with your new line. Similar to an improvement project, but without all the hassle of trying to organize and gain a solid member base.
Well i always do that. im so respectful. no one notices and i try to get a partner that has the same breed passion as me. but they turn me down because. "you are not a sponser there fore you are to imeture to partner with" so thats what they do to me.
Personally I don't think you'd want to partner with anyone who generalizes novices as immature or irresponsible players. There may be sponsors or even novices that believe in that, but if that's the case then you could do better. <br><br>Have you tried finding a partner through the forums? If you have, all I can say is to keep trying. It may take a really long time to find the right person to partner with. You may find someone who will work with you, and in the end they may just lead you on for whatever purpose. If you don't find anyone at all, you could just try to slowly build up a line alone.<br><br>Some players are concerned with what you'd be bringing to the table. Nobody wants to do it alone. Without a sponsor account, you may need to find a way to bring some VPC or dogs to start off with. [If you haven't already, of course. ] If you don't have any VPC to contribute, you could try offering graphics, eventing services, or try to find odd jobs that players need done. Sometimes the contest and giveaway sections are full of opportunity, if you wish to try. Another reason may revolve around trust. If players haven't seen you around then perhaps they're unsure of whether you'll stick to your word or not. A good way to get around this is just to try and create some friendships and try to do business with well-known players. If you can gather up a couple of references, you may even be able to find a sponsor kennel to rent/borrow from someone.
Sponsors are in no way better than novices. It just means they paid for things.<br>As for the 'stat improvement group' I think I know what you're talking about and I think you got the wrong idea from the people who 'turned you down'.<br>I remember something about that and I remember just giving a tip about it, and I don't think you took it the right way... But oh well...
Pft. xD I'm often caught throwing money and show dogs and other free stuff at novices who DON'T ask. I don't give free stuff to sponsors unless they're good friends of mine. ._. I tend to instantly like people who show up, using grammar and spelling most words correctly, who don't ask for anything except for help understanding certain aspects of the game. I like newbies who show up and seem to have read the help files. I don't like newbies who show up and start asking for sponsor kennels or art or money or dogs or other free stuff.<br><br>It may seem that people don't listen to you, but maybe they just don't reply? I was going to reply to your Artist thread last night, but my husband wanted me to log off so we could watch anime. xD Maybe it seems they don't listen to you, when they don't agree with your opinions? (Which seems odd, since obviously they heard you out before they could disagree). I really don't see you posting enough to understand the 'no one listens' aspect.<br><br>And as far as nobody liking you. See my first paragraph. Also, people sometimes just... don't get along. Hell, most people don't like ME on this game. xD But that's because I'm usually a tad bit confrontational, and I have a bad habit of speaking my mind and not knowing my place in line. (Instead of toeing the line like most people, I prefer to do a dive over it. Bad habit, I wouldn't suggest it.) Also, once again, I haven't seen you posting enough to decide if I like you as a person yet. ._.<br><br>Tl;Dr:<br><br>Try using more proper grammar/spelling. Try posting more. Try to care less what other people think (or... don't think?) of you. People don't usually join this game and receive "OMG I LOVE YOU!" instantly (although, okay, I admit, I did latch onto a newbie a couple weeks ago instantly... xD) Most of us who seem to have a lot of friends on here have been here years.<br>And by years I mean.<br>YEARS.<br>Personally I've been here almost... eight? years. (Ohwow. Has it been that long? ._.) I've never once spent my own money personally on this game. I don't think I have a ton of friends on here, but people know me, they've seen me, and they have some inkling of respect for me as a player, if not as a person. (Trust me, I've rubbed way too many people the wrong way and not cared to make the claim to being loved by everyone)
Thanks you guys have really helped. I hope these things you taught me work. Maybe people will look at me as an adult. Not a little kid now. Thanks you guys are the best. I mean it
Don't worry about what others say or think. Everyone else said exactly what I was going to say. I like to become friends with people who use proper grammar, don't whine and complain, and don't beg for sponsors or VPC. It does take a while to become a well-liked person on VP. Most of the "popular" people on here have been playing for years. Just be patient, don't beg for stuff, and do your best. And I'm a novice too. Not many people here ignore other players because their novices. Like newfie said, Sponsors aren't "better" players. They were just able to pay. Good luck.
Breeding outstanding Labradoodles, Tibetan Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, & Long Haired Wemerianers.
Supporting the Biewer & Aatu Tamaskan!
On an indefinite hiatus.
On an indefinite hiatus.
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All dogs for sale or bid
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Goals: 13/50million VPC