From what I can see from the first few lines, you need to spell check. Just open Word real quick and run this through. ;D<br><br>Im too lazy to get into more detail but I'm sure someone else will
trust me I know I hate my spelling and my keyboard has orange juice on it so its very sticky, and sometimes I type so fast that Im just plain lazy /: I dont have word, I just copied this from my notepad so I can spell cheack it (that makes me sad).
you can download free things off of the internet like OpenOffice its has a spell check and grammar checks if you need/want it :]<br>It saves me with my horrible grammar and spelling all the time. xD
hmmmm I might have to try that! Im not aloud to download right now, because im using my fathers computer, but when i get mine back I will deff cheack it out (by the way this is totouser, im on my club account lol, just relized that)