I know Ive been posting a lot of suggestions lately... but I think this one is really important for the game. <br><br><br>Lately, I have noticed that VP has been rather dead. Chat is dead, the forums are pretty dead... lots of people are leaving and losing interest. I think part of that is because there's never anything new on the game, and there's nothing that's done aside from the usual.<br><br><br>Remember the Halloween night a few years back? How -so- many people attended it and had fun? If we could have two trivia nights a month, even, I think it'd help give the game some life back. It'd be a social thing, and a fun thing, which I don't see a lot of on VP. In fact, I notice way more venting than I notice people actually having fun and enjoying themselves. <br><br><br>Now, as for prizes for the trivia... there are loads of things. On holidays, even more 'expensive' things like dyes could be given out (one dye at the end of the night). If you think about it, while you may lose some money in that moment...stimulating player interest will in the end, allow the game to make more money since usually people who get hooked, buy at least one sponsor upgrade a year ;P<br><br>On all trivia nights (designate two nights a month, and the trivia can be hosted by different players so that not one single person has to come up with all the questions and whatnot) and hand out special breed imports as prizes ;D It can't be too difficult to add new breeds, since we used to get them all the time, so make like.. 10 breeds that you can only win on trivia nights. I know trivia is pretty popular, and it's really fun and exciting for the players, so that's why I suggested that of all things. There could be like, 20 questions each trivia night, and each question can be worth a pair of these special imports. That'd be forty imports going out... which really isn't that much since they will be split amongst several players, and people who wish to continue lines with these breeds would be enthused to attend the next trivia night.<br><br><br>It's just an idea. there could be other games added to VP to help keep people interested...but this one is one that I know has been popular in the past, whether player run or run as a VP official event.
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Goals: 13/50million VPC