cant edit post and just HAD to add. The person i vented about copyrighting was like" I changed the code and asked an op! So ha!" and I just wanted to punch the screen! And a kennal they had wrote this on there kennal-HY I LOVE PEAPL THE ONLY THING I DONET LOVE IS IS THE RULES THERE U NO WHAT NO IK FENS ONER OR PEAPL BUT GAME MASTER I WHAT TO SEE HOO DONT LIKE THE RULES BEFOR U BANND ME I WOOD LIKE TO SEE HOO SIDE WITH ME THE MOST AND HOO SIDE WITH U THE MOST AND IF I <br><br> I dont know if anyone else got it but a month or two ago i got sevral messgaes asking me to join a club against ops and I have a feeling they started it. Also this person said they did half a layout because they added a pic. Some people, I swear.
I Keith Urban!