Jack, my playful, whiny, and center of attention English Bulldog passed away this morning...2 days before we where going to pick him up. <br>He was perfectly fine until this morning, he was eating but started chocking, so the breeder pulled the food out of his mouth and was "slinging" him (what you do to newborn puppies), but it just kept falling out of his mouth - so they rushed him to the vet, but the vet said it was too late....it was lodged all the way in the back of his throat and no matter what it wouldn't have been able to be removed. I loved him, but I'm just glad this didn't happen after we took him home and I was <span style="font-style:italic">attached</span> to him like you would be with a dog that you've had for years. But, this wasn't the first time that he had chocked on his food.<br>The good news, we originally where going to get this GORGEOUS female she had a white face and little patches on it but we decided to go with the male (Jack) because I didn't want to deal with the bleeding from a female and I just prefer males to females (as you can tell my only female animals are my mice.) Anyways, they tried everything to sell her, the breeders kids where begging to keep her, I really did want her but I was attached to Jack and I knew a male would be better for me. Any who, when she called me this morning she said that she still hadn't sold her and that if we wanted her we could have her (she said we don't have to pay the extra 300 for her, because her females are $1800). I guess everything works out for a reason and that's why they never sold her.<br>We are naming her Lyla, what my name would have been for a female. <br>Funny thing though, we already bought Jack his collar, leash, toys, etc. so it looks like Lyla will be wearing blue until she grows out of it.<br><br>RIP lil buddy.<br>Tell Bama, Rouge, Delilah, and Daisy hi for me.

<br><br><img src="
http://i38.tinypic.com/21ni5y0.jpg" alt="
http://i38.tinypic.com/21ni5y0.jpg" class="bb-image" />
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