Ugh so lately i've been getting messaging saying ''I will pay you 1 mill for an upgrade'' or ''will you sell your kennel for 1 mill'' first of all upgrades are usually $100-120mill (in auction) and cost real life money and already made ones can range from 50-80 mill.. 1 mill will not get you an upgrade or an already made one so please stop asking. I have seen this alot on the forums also especially people who ask for: millions of dollars, unmade dyes and sponsor kennels in the 'I wish games' that is also whay gets me mad for example<br><span style="font-weight:bold">person 1: I wish for vpc<br>person 2: granted sent negative 1000 to _____, I wish for a sponsor kennel, goodie dye or 10 million dollars</span><br>I think its a little much to ask for since someone people give someone $1000<br>Also I think people should read the posts completely on the auctions before posting >.> for example there was already kennel sold or has a hb of say 60 mill.. some other player comments and says ''i will give you 1 mill for this kennel and also banners I have made on '' *facepalm* I cannot explain how much all this get me mad >.>
Goals: 13/50million VPC
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
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