That's a beautiful bunny. I love the color, and his physical appearance. Do you have any idea what kind he is?
I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
He is a Rex. Could be a mini rex even depending on size. And he looks like a martin to me. Not sure which color martin he is though
<br><br><br>Vamps he looks like a standard rex as from the picture his ears are larger than a mini rex's should be or he could be a cross between a mini and a standard did you buy him from a breeder? and i used to breed french lops and i still have the ocasional litter of them : )
Pet stores are just as bad when it comes to misinforming people on things. Before i got into my californians i got a rabbit from a tractor supply and i thought it was a buck but turned out to be a doe.
She's fine and dandy now. I just thought the doe was hurting Jade because she wouldnt breed her. But it turns out i was wrong on that O-o. But im probably about to let Jade have her first litter here soon