A lot of people may like their events to be run when they are full, to get more fame.<br>Others may just not want to run them after one day.<br><br>But they do run eventually. <br>I get kind of anxious as well sometimes.
<span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Just like Lele said, most don't like to run them if they aren't full. I know I won't run my events if they don't have close to at least 15 entries. . .<br>So I guess patience is the key here. They will get ran eventually. ^_^</span></span>
personaly i think events should run when they say they are supposed to run regardless of being full or not - it would made the game run smoother and maybe make people think befor creating a show that no ones gonna enter - thats just my thoughts on the matter
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t