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Has This Ever happen To You....?

edited September 2010 in Vent
Yes,finally people stop Sending those.There annoying,They dont get I Dont Want Your dogs".Since I Work With [SOME] terrier,toy companion Breeds,Players Send Me ads Because i said I loved That Type of Dog.Didnt say that.Or they Go Buy 1 Hoping I'll Buy It.Has This Ever happen to u? :lol: 8)


  • Yes XD I was looking for I think it was American PitBulls and someone messaged me asking if I wanted to buy their dog, I told them no thank (it was like 6 years old and not trained) in a nice way and they replied with ''I spent 600k on that dog!!! I bought it because you said your looking for one!!!'' lol that person ended up on ignore *pets ignore button*
  • I was playing around on my of my novice kennels and I was asked if I had any dogs I didn't want because they (novice player) rescues dogs that people don't want. In a good mood, not on my Op account and not wanting people to know it's an op's account, I responded with no, that I rescued too, thinking that would be the end of it. Oh no, they come back and ask if I wanted to team up... I just stared at the message a moment dumbfounded but it got me curious, so I had to ask how that worked... Their response was somewhere along the lines of, "I'll give you a dog I don't want and you give me a dog you don't want" So, having had enough, I told them I rescued dogs from Puppy Plaza and neutered then released/retired them to live out their lives how they wanted. Their response was "u lyar thats not rescuing". I pointed out that it's not nice to call names. That if people are selling them cheaply, they don't want them and I won't get into trouble for spamming people asking for their dogs because I buy them from Puppy Plaza. That stopped the messages, but was an entertaining 5 minutes anyway.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Ugh yes XD and I'm not even a sponsor (Yet :3)<br>Yes I love the breed I work with.. But I don't need every dog of that breed in my kennel. Lol
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  • Ugh, yes. Or I'll post on my kennel "Layout Coming Soon" and someone will pm me, "I can make you a layout!" When I already have one ordered. And that's funny Bama. :lol:
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Alabama wrote:
    I was playing around on my of my novice kennels and I was asked if I had any dogs I didn't want because they (novice player) rescues dogs that people don't want. In a good mood, not on my Op account and not wanting people to know it's an op's account, I responded with no, that I rescued too, t<span style="font-weight:bold">hinking that would be the end of it. Oh no, they come back and ask if I wanted to team up... I just stared at the message a moment dumbfounded</span> but it got me curious, so I had to ask how that worked... Their response was somewhere along the lines of, "I'll give you a dog I don't want and you give me a dog you don't want" So, having had enough, I told them I rescued dogs from Puppy Plaza and neutered then released/retired them to live out their lives how they wanted. Their response was "u lyar thats not rescuing". I pointed out that it's not nice to call names. That if people are selling them cheaply, they don't want them and I won't get into trouble for spamming people asking for their dogs because I buy them from Puppy Plaza. That stopped the messages, but was an entertaining 5 minutes anyway.
    <br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">That made me laugh. . . XD<br>I always get the random, Will you sell your sponsor? I'll give you 100k and a free gifty (with like 80 of the color) -_-. . . *ignore* OR<br>i sell banrs!! want 1? - O.O I post on EVERY one of my kennels I make graphics and in order to look my kennel up, I ALSO mention I make graphics AND I have examples on my kennel. . . -_- *ignore*</span></span>
  • <br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">That made me laugh. . . XD<br>I always get the random, Will you sell your sponsor? I'll give you 100k and a free gifty (with like 80 of the color) -_-. . . *ignore* OR<br>i sell banrs!! want 1? - O.O I post on EVERY one of my kennels I make graphics and in order to look my kennel up, I ALSO mention I make graphics AND I have examples on my kennel. . . -_- *ignore*</span></span>
    <br><br>Urgh yea the banner thing happens to me too. <br>Want a banner??? They're cheap!!!<br>Uhhh did you look at my kennel?! And all the banners all over it with my name on it? And how my kennel says banner making OPEN? XD I usually just act nice and say.... No thanks...
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  • *SIGH* I think <span style="font-weight:bold">everyone</span> on VP has experienced this, at <span style="font-style:italic">least</span> once. I don't mind it so much when it's worthwhile things they message me about (nd dey dnt tlk lyk dis), it's the so called "banner-makers" who use Photobucket to make their banners or have a dog that's 2 years old with absolutely no training whatsoever that get to me. *shakes head* it honestly makes me ashamed to call myself a Novice! You would think that after having Bark Park taken away for abuse, they would just try and be good for a while in hopes of gaining the privilege back someday... but <span style="font-style:italic">no</span>, they continue to break the rules...
    banners are only 50k! Get YOUR pro banner here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=70233
    my main kennel:
  • *SIGH* I think <span style="font-weight:bold">everyone</span> on VP has experienced this, at <span style="font-style:italic">least</span> once. I don't mind it so much when it's worthwhile things they message me about (nd dey dnt tlk lyk dis), it's the so called "banner-makers" who use Photobucket to make their banners or have a dog that's 2 years old with absolutely no training whatsoever that get to me. *shakes head* it honestly makes me ashamed to call myself a Novice! You would think that after having Bark Park taken away for abuse, they would just try and be good for a while in hopes of gaining the privilege back someday... but <span style="font-style:italic">no</span>, they continue to break the rules...
    I agree, when I was a novice I had other novices messaging me all the time saying stuff like ''Want to team up'' or ''wanna join my club'', being nice id say ''umm sure'' they would reply with ''msg every1 on da plyr serch and tel thm I haz dogz upp 4 sle and I haz mad bnr skllz tht I only chrge 50 dollerz'' *facepalm* this is when I found out about the ignore button xD
  • Oh, I hate chatspeak! Also when someone will message me hey or hi. I usaully don't even respond, just delete and sometimes ignore.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Don't forget the inevitable "Wanna b BFF?" from a complete stranger.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    Don't forget the inevitable "Wanna b BFF?" from a complete stranger.
    <br><br>I actually got that one the other day from someone who asked me if I wanted to buy their dogs (I said no)... however, me being the wise-crack I am, replied with "why on earth would you want to be best foes forever!? That hurts my feelings..." and then I watch the worm wiggle... does that make me mean?
    banners are only 50k! Get YOUR pro banner here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=70233
    my main kennel:
  • Gah one time I wrote on my kennel something like "Oh and don't message me about your 'cute puppyz 4 sale!" and I got an ad and was like "Did you read what I wrote on my kennel even..?" and they replied with "ya n i nver said ne thing bout cute puppyz. i just siad puppys for sale."<br>URGH lol.
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  • NewfGirl wrote:
    Gah one time I wrote on my kennel something like "Oh and don't message me about your 'cute puppyz 4 sale!" and I got an ad and was like "Did you read what I wrote on my kennel even..?" and they replied with "ya n i nver said ne thing bout cute puppyz. i just siad puppys for sale."<br>URGH lol.
    <br><br>lol. Either they're really stupid, or they have a sense of humor. Which, in my eyes, makes it the slightest bit better...
    banners are only 50k! Get YOUR pro banner here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=70233
    my main kennel:
  • New Novice: "I hav lots of dog 4 sale plz go buy them"<br>-goes to look at dogs just in case there is a decent one. All i found were dogs named stuff like *~*^Sparkle^*~* and *--*CuteyPie*--*<br>Me: "No thanks."<br>NN: "y not?"<br>Me: "I'm just not interested."<br>NN: "but they r cheep!"<br>Me: "Okay, but I'm just not interested."<br>NN: "whtevr your rude. i just wantd u 2 buy a dog"<br>Me: "Okay..."<br><br><br>lmao I love theses conversations!
  • They are very very entertaining when you're bored. XD
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  • They are very very entertaining when you're bored. XD
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  • i have a novice kennel with my working team and i got 2 messages with.<br><br>I have greyhounds with great parents take a look!!!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!<br><br>I click their kennel check a pup with 0x4 and parents are 0x4 *sigh* Ignore
  • Yes I Thought I Was The Only One. :P
  • Urgh i just got two.<br>Them: i want a banner!!1!!!!<br>Me: They're 50k.. Tell me what you want...<br>Them: 50k?! too much!<br>Me: Sorry. *Ignore* Lol
    Back in action?
  • Well this is not really about messages but it gets me <br><br>
    I do mix to of my more-rare colored dogs together(wether they will create a Mutt or not)to try and attemp to make my own giftie
    <br><br>I don't want to be rude and say you will just get the same color. I'm not sure if i read it wrong XD.
  • I just got asked if someone could have a dog from my kennel for free -.-
    Back in action?
  • Toonya wrote:
    Well this is not really about messages but it gets me <br><br>
    I do mix to of my more-rare colored dogs together(wether they will create a Mutt or not)to try and attemp to make my own giftie
    <br><br>I don't want to be rude and say you will just get the same color. I'm not sure if i read it wrong XD.
    <br><br>Lara I agree xD Breeding those two dogs isn't going to mix the colors to form a gifty if that is what was trying to be said =) you have to pay for a gifty color. When breeding those dogs you are going to get one color or the other, not a mix of the two =)
  • Garnet wrote:
    Toonya wrote:
    Well this is not really about messages but it gets me <br><br>
    I do mix to of my more-rare colored dogs together(wether they will create a Mutt or not)to try and attemp to make my own giftie
    <br><br>I don't want to be rude and say you will just get the same color. I'm not sure if i read it wrong XD.
    <br><br>Lara I agree xD Breeding those two dogs isn't going to mix the colors to form a gifty if that is what was trying to be said =) you have to pay for a gifty color. When breeding those dogs you are going to get one color or the other, not a mix of the two =)
    <br><br>I just dont have the nerve to say "Stop buying gifties and breeding them; your getting no where kid"
  • Lara I agree xD Breeding those two dogs isn't going to mix the colors to form a gifty if that is what was trying to be said =) you have to pay for a gifty color. When breeding those dogs you are going to get one color or the other, not a mix of the two =)
    <br>altho that would be awesome!! lol
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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