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edited July 2010 in Giveaways, Etc.
These will be a suprise banners. This is what you do;<br><br><br>
Kennel Link:<br>Favorite Color:<br>Favorite Breed of Dog:
(NOTE: The banner may or may not have to do with dogs, or use your favorite color. That's just in case)<br><br><br>If you post that information, I will make a suprise banner for you! It is 100% FREE! Would just like to get some examples. Will take all that come up (max of 15) until Saturday so post soon! :D :D :D<br><br>SPOTS:<br>1. Holleywood - DONE<br>2. ThiRuu - DONE<br>3. ~*Midnight Moon*~ COMPLETE<br>4. cooljess6 - COMPLETE<br>5. Dog Alley - FINISHED<br>6. kelpie -- FINISHED<br>7. Kazuko - INPROGRESS<br>8. iRawrSkittles<br>9. Cinnamon Bubbles<br>10. Dogcot<br>11. Mysterous Love<br>12. borderprince<br>13.<br>14.<br>15.


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