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Banner Contest (:

Alright so I heard there weren't many art contest going on and decided <br>open one even though I don't have lots of money like a lot of people<br>on here do :D So here goes nothing...<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Banner</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Text:</span> Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sub-Text:</span> Last night, everything was perfect. Too bad it was just a dream.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Setting:</span>I'd like something with two people or dogs looking at each other or are with each other. <br>And the background I'd like to be a road going into the distance (city or dirt).<br><br>or<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Banner</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Text:</span> If you ask me how many times he ran through my mind I would say once… cause he never left.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Sub-Text:</span>Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Setting:</span> Like a night setting with two dogs running threw the <br>woods, or like a dog gazing sadly up at the moon <br><br>If you have any ideas of your own go for it, I just would like the text I have in either banner ideas. I'm looking for creativity :D<br>1st: 2 mill<br>2nd: 650k<br>3d: 250k<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">*EDIT*</span><br>Another banner you could make is an Eminem one :D<br>Text: Eminem<br>Sub-text: Have You Ever Loved Someone So Much You'd Give An Arm For?<br>Not The Expression, No. Literally Give An Arm For?<br>Setting: Anything that'd be suitable for Eminem<br>Pics: Duhh lol of Eminem :lol: <br><br>I will give three days advance on when it will end. (: And thank you everyone who enters.


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