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I'm pretty sure VP just drove my friend insane

She's new to VP and wants to improve bush dogs. She has three males and I'm buying her some imports... and I just lost an auction for imports. And she's been... wandering around the room for literally 11 minutes, still doing it as I type. Here's a sample. This is a direct quote, typed as she speaks. No need to read it all... but...<br><br>"They'll bite me because they're wild animals, and they're athletes *hysterical laughing* and they're just different... YOU'RE SO PRETTY LOOK AT YOUR EYES they look green from over there... Bush doggies! Euuh! Ah! They'll become threatened! God sent me to do this! God sent me to do this! He said 'Save the bush doggies,' he said, 'OOOOOH I'm coming for you because *hysterical laughing* those unmade bush dogs! They all bit us! What are we gonna do? I don't want a bush dog! I can't get one because of those people! I can't get a bush dog, I want one, they're so cute, they're like little people, they're so stubby, you got all those beautiful pictures [I went to Corbis and got here some pictures of them...] and what are we gonna do?"<br><br>She's in a corner now taking deep breaths and muttering about bush dogs.<br><br>"You won't pass high school without bush dogs... IU Bloomington won't accept you unless you have a little bush doggies to add to their collection of dogs that are bushy and it has to be named Elmer Fudd, LittleElmerFudd. It has to be a bush dog... bush dogs are pointless unless they're mine! I'm the only one who will love them..." <br><br>Cue more hysterical laughing. She's still talking...<br><br>"You can dye their bush dog hair to be like truffula trees! They'll be your sisters! They can have purple hair too!"<br><br>She's waving a KISS doll around now, laughing?


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