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Lyc might be insane

I don't know if it's me or I actually think i'm going insane. But I really, reallly, really want a baby. :shock: A couple of days ago, when I was grocery shopping, I walked into the baby aisle twice without realizing it. The first time, I was like what the hell???? I continue walking, I go through the same aisle again, I pause....then I was like freaky, total deja vu feeling.<br><br>Also, a lot of people from back at home are having kids. And it feels like i'm getting older and/or falling behind on having a family. But knowing, that I go to college, it's would be extremely difficult to juggle both things: taking care of a child and going to school.


  • <span style="color:darkred">LYC IS INSANE. :roll: <br><br>Lol. I dont like kids. At all. So you can see why Im agreeing!<br>But you are insane regardless of whether or not you want kiddies. xD<br><br>WE ALL ARE. :twisted: <br><br>-returns to lair-</span>
  • Lycanthrin wrote:
    But knowing, that I go to college, it's would be extremely difficult to juggle both things: taking care of a child and going to school.
    <br><br>My sister-in-law has to juggle two kids and attending college 5 days a week. She seems to do pretty good with it. My nephew attends a private school about 5 miles from the university she attends. My niece is brought to my house and we babysit her. When my sister-in-law gets outta school she comes and gets my neice and neophew and she takes them home.<br><br>She does complaing about school and homework taking time away from her kids though. She had to quit school for about 6 months when she had my niece. It would take some time to figure it all out, but if your serious about both kids and schooling, then you will be able to figure out a way to have both =)
  • You are not insane.<br>I want 4-6 kids in the future. I don't want kids before marriage though, I want me and my boyfriend to enjoy what's left of our "childhood" and we be able to support them. xD<br><br><br>I love kids though<3
  • @Smithers: lol thank you for clarifying my insanity XD Oh, yeah, I forgot you don't like children!! :P hahahaha I agree we are all insane here and there.<br><br>@Garnet: Oh that's awesome. I was just thinking that I'm not sure if I could do that. It would be really hard on me.<br><br>@Lava: lol yay someone believes i'm not insane *hugs* lol....true true
  • I don't like kids, and I'm pretty much afraid of babies, so my opinion is obvious. lol, but if you do really want them just make sure you're prepared and stable. During college would not be a good time to have one IMO. I've met and gone to school with both people that had a baby while in school or already had kids. Some people can work around it, but it's a struggle since both take up so much time and energy. Form what I've heard your attention and energy tends to get divided unevenly in the form of fewer classes per semester(takes longer to graduate), or less hours spent with the kids.<br><br> Maybe you could do babysitting, or volunteer work with little kids to figure out if you can handle school and a baby at the same time? Quite a few schools nowadays have centers where students drop their kids off while they go to class. The ones out here are generally run by a few full time employees, volunteers, and child development students.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Oh my gosh Lyc, I love babies! I dont really want to be pregnant, but Id love to adopt lots of kids. Then again Ive been raising babies since I was 8. Ive just always been really motherly though. Im always in the baby isle at the store looking for stuff for all the kids I watch. People always look at me weird because Im young but I dont care. When you love babies you love babies. Theres no fighting it (:
  • My mom thinks I'm crazy for saying the same exact thing >.<<br>I was watching sixteen & pregnant a few weeks ago, and it actually made me WANT to have a baby. Not be pregnant or anything, just take care of a baby. I can't find anyone who needs a babysitter, so I got a month old kitten. <br>Problem solved :D
  • I want maybe 1 or 2 kids when I'm older, but I am NOT looking forward to being pregnant AT ALL. I'd actually be leaning more towards adoption because there are a lot of kids that still need homes, why bring another child into the world? (I know some people want their children to carry on genetic traits/looks, and more reasons, though.)
  • Im too young for one, I believe. And right now the economy isn't the greatest. It's extremely hard to find a job nowadays. I wouldn't want I kid I couldn't support financially. And being in college would make the situation that much worse. That is my opinion. They are a lot more work than they seem.<br><br>I actually don't know if I even want kids at all. xD
  • I personally don't like kids very much. As a matter of fact my cousin called me earlier this afternoon asking if I wanted to babysit for her and I gave her Vampy's number and told her to call Vampy.. Hah..
  • I don't want kids myself, not to mention I am far too young, but I would say wait until after college when you have a job and settled, stable relationship.
  • That or get a Bush Dog baby!!!! O.O
  • He he I totaly read the title wrong and was like what? But now I understand<br> lol silly lyc! I wanna a baby sibling ( because I am way to young for a child <br>and want to go to college my self). What are you majoring in college? Or <br>was it posted up top and I didn't see it lol?
    Looking for upgrade.
  • kmcov wrote:
    He he I totaly read the title wrong and was like what? But now I understand<br> lol silly lyc! I wanna a baby sibling ( because I am way to young for a child <br>and want to go to college my self). What are you majoring in college? Or <br>was it posted up top and I didn't see it lol?
    <br><br>I think Lyc is in the medical field? Correct me if I am wrong, Lyc. <br>-runs away-
  • @PrinceSushi: yeah, i really want to be financial stable and everything before I have a kid. I just want to magically pop one out and like oops, i don't have anything ready for you. That would be a nightmare. I'm guessing that I might just wait, because the way how schooling is, tuition is going to be going up for next five years and i'm living off of financial aid, so I can barely afford to feed myself D; I saw that my school has a lot of babysitting jobs, i can probably do that. And I intern at an elementary school, might continue doing that.<br><br>@Cybers: Weird...I actually wouldn't mind being pregnant, i just don't want to go through the birthing process :/ lol I started at when I was 5 years old, so i've been motherly ever since I was a little kid. And soooo true on the last part about loving babies.<br><br>@Maxxy: lol I actually get mad watching that show because a lot of those girls don't know how to raise a kid right. I got a dog for my problem, but ever since I took off to college, i only see him on holidays :( I miss being with him 24/7, the first 4 years in high school were the best being around him, because I was always there.<br><br>@Garfieldz Gal: Do you go by Luddie?? Ugh, I haven't talked to you in ages!! I want like 3 kids....yeah i know what you mean, I wouldn't mind adopting because it's a good idea, but I'm afraid of my dad's reaction. He's so old school, he might hate me if I would to do that.<br><br>@Tarn: I agree with your opinion, everything you said is what my mom has said to me before. Freaky!! Tarn isn't sure about kids o.o<br><br>@Garnet: hahaha so evil!!<br><br>@Arispa: Yeah, lately I've been thinking that I should really, really, really wait till after college, with a job and being in a sable position. Yet, again, a bush dog baby, could be fun!! o.o<br><br>@Xae: :shock: It's not funny!! I has needs D;<br><br>@Cov: hahaha I don't want another sibling, and I can't get one anyways. My mom can't have anymore children. As of right now, I'm going into Chicano Studies, possible double majoring, if I figure out a 2nd major. And getting a minor in Education. Lyc wants to be a teacher :D<br><br>@Lavers: I was in the medical field Lava, but it was too much for me. So now i'm heading towards the education field, because I want to become a teacher :)<br><br><br><br><br><br>FINALLY! I'm done responding to everybody!! :D
  • You are totally not crazy. Kids can be great, and kids in college are. . . QUITE a handfull. But I do suggest you get married. If Lyc has a baby can Lara come see it? Please I promise not to bite it toes off! :twisted:
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