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My wonderful felines! And equines.

So they may not be Bush Dogs, but my heart has a soft spot for felines.<br><br>This one is Russia, he is a pointed siamese-manx.<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Here he is again<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>This is our little stray that we rescued, Winslow.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Again<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>This is Wicka, we don't have her right now actually but I love her.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>And I have a little cross-eyed siamese, willow. But I guess no pictures.<br><br>OH and these are the horses we had for quite a while, we just got rid of them.<br><br>Mars and Casey. Mars is a Morgan and Casey... I forget?


  • I love Russia... his eyes intrigue me
  • He is totally gorgeous. And his little stub tail is so cute! :)<br>He wiggles it when he gets happy or excited.
  • Arispa wrote:
    He is totally gorgeous. And his little stub tail is so cute! :)<br>He wiggles it when he gets happy or excited.
    <br><br>XD sounds nothin like my cat..<br>a tabby named lucy...<br>correctly nicknamed<br>Lucifer by everyone of my friends.
  • Haha. I have a mena cat too, but honestly she is just a little mentally handicapped. She is cross eyed and runs into things- I think it makes her bitter.
  • HAHA! Lucy's only mental disability<br>is fatness XD
  • Ah, and that is where her bitterness is from. I am an animal pscycologist now, you see? Helping bitter animals all over the country to overcome their obstacles! Haha, if only.
  • Arispa wrote:
    Ah, and that is where her bitterness is from. I am an animal pscycologist now, you see? Helping bitter animals all over the country to overcome their obstacles! Haha, if only.
    <br>The only obstacle she could clear is a <br>mountain in her feed bowl
  • Poor girl, my cat Wicka has the same issue. We call her a bowling ball.
  • Arispa wrote:
    Poor girl, my cat Wicka has the same issue. We call her a bowling ball.
    <br><br><br>Lucy is known also as the<br>big fluffy watermelon
  • That is a really pretty cat. And fat. Haha. :D
  • She weighs 15 lbs..<br>and we ONLY feed her cat food.<br>And not even that much!!
  • Maybe her metabolism is slow. :)
  • Your kittehs are so coot. :3<br><br>I have a special kitty, who is more of my child than a feline. >;O<br><br>SIMBA! :D<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Maybe you can help him with his texting addiction since your an animal psychologist. xD<br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • Omg Adorable cats you guys.<br><br>Love the phone pic Lava xD<br><br>Vampy, Lucy always liked me for some reason. Then again, shes partly mean cuz of the way you tormented her when we were younger xD
  • Arispa, your cats are all so gorgeous! I am against myself owning siamese cats. xD I've had two mixes before, and both went cross-eyed, destructive, and mean. We had to put one down when I was ten... And the other my mother just took to the pound on Monday while I was at school... :( So, no more siamese for us -- it'll prevent us from having to depart with anymore kitties I hope. Although, siamese are beautiful. <3 Lily (the one taken to the pound) was my baby... up until she got mean, chewed all my stuff, and peed in every corner of the house.<br><br>But anyway, more good comments coming. xD<br><br>Vampy's kitty is absolutely beautiful! Love the split-patterned face. <3 I've always been so intrigued by cats with that. :) She is FAT! Lily was overweight too, but not so much, haha!<br><br>Avla, I would do much to have a cat like yours again. xD I used to have a child-like feline also. She was a big baby. She followed me down the bus stop almost every morning when I went to school. She pulled the tacks out of the walls holding my posters up -- it was her favorite hobby, I believe. :D So every day I'd come home from school/a friend's house and have to tack up my posters all over again. You can't even imagine how many holes I had to put in my walls! She did adorable things, much like your cat holding the cellphone, lol. Simba is so handsome! :mrgreen:
  • Garnet wrote:
    <br>Vampy, Lucy always liked me for some reason. Then again, shes partly mean cuz of the way you tormented her when we were younger xD
    <br><br>I was never the one tormenting her. And i never really do unless its when im showing someone how mean she is. When she was little i was always the one cuddling her. Once *before i got my dog and she got moved out of my room and STILL hates me for it* i went to my cousins house for a week and she was mean to EVERYONE until i got back.. then she was nice again.
  • Thanks Garnet and Ludie. :D<br><br><br>Your cat sounds like mine, Vamp.<br>Except he "cries" when I am gone and it gets on everyone's nerves because he has a high pitched meow, he wakes me up every morning between 6-7 meowing, because he wants in my room.<br><br>Then he proceeds to steal my bed, like now. -.-<br><br>"Feed me grapes and fan me with a palm"<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>He stole my pillow. D:
  • Love all of the cats in this thread. Especially Arispa's, 'cause they're practically mine too--when I was 10 or so Arispa and I decided I was married to Russia, haha.<br>I need to get some pics up of mine, I have a great big fat cat too. Her name is Lulu. :3
  • :] I love the kitties.<br><br>I'll have to take a picture of my best friends cat when she gets back from South America.<br>She calls it "Cat" because she never actually thought of a name for it, but we've been calling it Puddle lately because when she lays down (often) her fat puddles around her.<br><br>She's huge. :]
  • Vampy- I just love your animals they amaze me, and you rock too!!<br><br>NotAMallard: I luff Lulu and Turtle, Lulu is my fat friend.<br><br>UglyDog- Puddle is a perfect fat cat name.<br><br>Avia- That cat is gorgeous. :DDDDDD And lazy lookin'. Simba is cute.<br><br>Garfieldz Gal- Thanks:) Sorry for your siamese troubles.<br><br>Garnet- Danke!
  • You always make fun of poor Lulu. She has low self esteem because of you! <br>D:<<br>She cries at night because you call her ugly.
  • I make fun of her out of adoration! :D She is beautifully fat and grumpy eyed!
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