<span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Okay, so a few of you guys have been keeping up with a post about this girl at my school. So, I figured I would update you guys yet again on the latest news.</span></span><br><br>Yesterday (5-19-10), towards the end of my 5th period Algebra II class, Sheila and I was leaving to go to the Sewing lab to get the teacher to put a patch on my jeans. Well, this girl - lets call her Nicki again - handed Sheila a note and told her it was for me. So, Sheila gave me the note and we walked out of the classroom and I started to read it walking outside to the Sewing lab.<br><br>About half way through, it made me VERY angry and I crumbled the note up and put it in my pocket. We got to the sewing lab and the teacher wasn't in there. The only two people in the classroom were Promise and Melissa, two of our fellow Juniors.<br><br>Not able to control my temper, I started to rant to Sheila about it and read the note to her out loud. She thought that it was ridiculous.<br><br>•The note basically said that I told her not to date my ex - Which all my friends can't remember me even saying that to her - and that her depression was my fault because I took her happiness away from her and that I wasnt a good friend because I was dating a guy that she had a crush on a few months ago. It alss - Direct Quote - "Maybe one day you will realise your mistakes." and that her mother wanted her to forgive me, but she couldnt. Also, she told me not to try appologizing cuz she still wasn't gonna talk to me for a while.<br><br>•I sat down and wrote a note back to her saying that I didn't care who she dated and that she didnt have to talk to me if she didnt want to. I said that her mother had talked to me as well and that I thought it was all stupid to be doing all this. I told her how Sheila said i was a good friend because even though we fight and <span style="font-weight:bold">both</span> have our faults, that we got over it because we were such great friends. Appearantly her friendship isn't that great with me if she couldn't get over it. I also stated that I didn't see any mistakes I made because i really couldn't find anything that I had done wrong. In the very end, I told her that I wasn't going to appologize because i had done nothing to deserve her attitude and that she could talk to me when she was ready.<br><br>Then, i went to the living room part of the sewing lab and used my teachers copy machince to make a copy of <span style="font-weight:bold">BOTH</span> notes. Nicki has a habit of changing peoples words and twisting everything to make herself look like the victim. Now I have the orignal note from her and copies of both notes in my purse.<br><br>Do you think I said anything wrong when I replied to her note? I mean, seriously? We have <span style="font-weight:bold">TWO</span> weeks of school left.. Why start all this drama now..? I was so mad at lunch that my hands were shkaing and I couldn't even eat lunch...<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Sorry this is so long.. Thank you guys for reading if you make it this far

Also, if you guys wanna read the actual notes, I'll type them out to you through a PM.</span></span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">*Random side note. I can hear Vampy in the auditorium playing her clarinet, practicing for the schools concert tonight xD*</span>
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line