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[Need ideas to spend 300mil VPC] See First Post!

edited June 2010 in General Discussion
<span style="color:darkblue"><span style="font-size:75">Ok, so I've 300mil that I doubt I'll use since I got a PB at christmas and that was all I was saving for. <br><br>So I was thinking about sharing it with the community. Although the only catch being, is that it is to be prize money lol. <br>I've also enough for an unmade goodie dye, and 20-30 spare unmade imports. Not brilliant things I know, but are practical at least! <br><br>So what sort of event/contest thingy do you think would attract the most attention to hand this out as prize winnings?It can be one massive contest/event, or a small selection that appeal to a couple of different groups (ie trainers, artists etc). <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ideas</span><br>- Train off<br>- Raffle<br>- Scavenger hunt<br>- Trivia<br>- Art contest</span></span><br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-weight:bold">Voting Poll</span><br>~ Train-off []<br>~ Raffle [1]<br>~ Scavenger Hunt[9]<br>~ Trivia [1]<br>~ Art Contest[]</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">UPDATE</span><br>Ok, well I think I will just go for the Scavenger Hunt so here is the thread: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Of course there is no clues as of yet, but it is open for donations ^_^ </span>
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  • I actually gave away 300mil as well one time. I mainly did a raffle and split it up in 150mil, 100mil, 50mil.<br><br>I think something like that, maybe a trainoff, or like a scavenger hunt type of idea. I'll try to think of others xD
  • <span style="color:darkblue"><span style="font-size:75">What type of train-off? <br><br>The only thing about a train-off is that it would be limited to sponsors. Unless it was something like the sponsor trains and a novice events it. But that might cause some problems, but if people are willing to be honest then I guess that could work.<br><br>Raffle seems a little basic, I wanted something a little more interactive that gets the brains ticking and pushes people to their max. <br><br>Lol scavenger hunt seems interesting, although never done one/taken part in one on a website.</span></span>
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  • Dog Trivia!<br>Famous Real dogs<br>Famous Cartoon dogs<br>Dogs in Films/movies <br>etc<br>Just a post to remind ya :D
  • I would enter a train off. ;D
  • twloha wrote:
    I would enter a train off. ;D
    <br><br><span style="color:darkblue"><span style="font-size:75">But what type? I don't have tons of dogs that need training, so would have to be based on "train a dog and event" type of train-off. <br><br>At most it could be an import train-off, as I don't have access to a bunch of 10x4s lol. My breed is 6x4 and I don't feel safe letting it out into the public just yet XD</span></span>
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  • You could maybe open a train off to train your breed, but only accept entrants to those who you trust? xD<br>I don't know.
  • Oh yah i would enter a train off
  • Or you could give it all to me (JK!)<br><br>Um i think tarns idea's would be what i would suggest
  • oh yah lol same here a raffle would be fun
  • There was a really big Scavenger hunt a few years ago If i remember correctly. I personally think there are already alot of train offs going on and it would be fun to do something new like a scavenger hunt or trivia challange.
  • <span style="color:darkblue"><span style="font-size:75">Yeah, unless there was a major catch/exciting thing to the train off, I don't fancy hosting one. They can go so wrong, people can drop out etc. And can be quite limiting since got to have the events hosted so dogs could actually event etc.<br><br>Scavenger hunt seems kinda fun, and would be something that practically anyone could do. So maybe I do the hunt and a trivia.</span></span>
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  • O yea lol u should do the trivia!!! I love those
  • On SBF someone did a huge 3 billion$ prize art contest.<br><br>She had several sections, with money+animal prizes.<br><br>Dog Drawing- anything<br>Dog Drawing- with a background<br>Dog manip- mythical<br>Drawing Any animal- realistic<br>Layouts-<br>Photography-<br>Other-<br>Photo Manips-<br><br>so you can have a big art contest :D
  • What would the scavenger hunt be?<br>I've never done one of those before.
  • <span style="color:darkblue"><span style="font-size:75">Thing is, what would happen with the art afterwards? XD I'd feel kinda mean not having the winning pieces to be used for anything to show it off. <br><br>And honestly I've no idea how the scavenger hunt would work online, but if I go ahead with it I'll be sure to post some clear instructions on how it works ^_^</span></span>
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  • There are two ways to do a scavenger hunt online. One way is to post a list of clues, each with an answer that can be found either in game, or on the forums, with the person getting the most correct at the end of a time limit.<br>IE:<br><br>-What is the first son of 158919?<br>-Answer: 581805<br><br>Or you could hide clues around the game, which is how the one VP scavenger hunt I remember was done. You get a group of people together, maybe offering some cash for their help as they'd be unable to play the game themself, and have each person hide a series of clues around their kennel, on their dogs, or even through messaging (having the hunter message the person for the next clue). The clues would go in order<br>IE: starting with you who would give a clue that should lead to Person A who gives a clue that should lead to Person B's dog, which has a clue in its comments that should lead to Person C's forum account, etc
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">Thank you, the first example was what I was thinking the scavenger hunt was like lol. <br><br>Well I'll do some voting and see which two are most wanted and I'll do them ^_^</span></span>
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  • Someone i know did this once. For the scavenger hunt, post a certain winning picture on random dogs profiles in your kennel(s). Also edit it in to random posts. To prove that someone found the picture, you should probably have IDs on the picture, and have people pm you the ID. You should also have the IDs be used a maximum of 3 times by players, otherwise players can share the IDs with each other.
  • I'd vote for Scavenger Hunt. It seems the fairest, and most fun, way to spread the wealth.
  • Scavenger hunt :D
  • <span style="font-size:75">scavenger hunt, I suppose. my second choice would be raffle xD</span>
    Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
  • <span style="font-size:92">I vote...<br>Scavenger Hunt!! (:</span>
  • PaperWings wrote:
    <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-weight:bold">Voting Poll</span><br>~ Train-off []<br>~ Raffle [1]<br>~ Scavenger Hunt[5]<br>~ Trivia []<br>~ Art Contest[]</span></span>
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">Ratings so far. I'll end this poll at the end of the month (May 30th/31st), and I'll try get whatever the two choices were set up to start running at the end of June. I've my final exam in June so I don't want to bog myself down with VP stuff when I've slightly more important things to fret over XD<br><br>So you've two weeks to gather people around to vote!</span></span>
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  • ugh no train offs! <br><br>I vote raffle xD
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">Oops, filled in the wrong bit XD<br><br>It is Scavenger Hunt that is in the lead, followed by a raffle</span></span>
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  • I'd vote scavenger hunt xD<br>my second choice is trivia, though
  • <span style="font-size:75">Scavenger hunt. (:</span>
  • Scavenger hunt<br>or <br>Raffle<br>=D
  • I vote for trivia cause there are like a million other train offs going on right now.
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