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Weird, True, & Freaky: Restaurant Horror Stories

edited May 2010 in General Discussion
Did anyone else watch this?! Did anyone else find eating after that difficult? :lol:


  • Love that show! Yea it kinda did but then I didnt think about it so I was fine XD
  • Didn't watch it but dang I've heard some gross stories over the years from friends that have worked in fast food or even high end restaurants.. let's just say, bring your own napkin, your own cutlery, and don't get a lemon in your drink. *puke*
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • And look out for the heads of rats, snakes, mice, and even chickens that might be deep fried in you food... The rat one was definately the worst...
  • I worked as a cook in a fast food place for nearly a year. I could tell you things that would turn you off resturant food forever.<br><br>Ever see the movie "Waiting..." <br>You may think alot of the stuff on that movie is exagarated and made-up.<br>Nope :)
  • Ooooh! Share some stuff! :)
  • I think this is funny, because where I work is like, SUPER clean. My manager gets mad if things aren't done perfectly.<br>And EVERYTHING is cleaned every night.<br>YAY SONIC.
  • One slow day, my manager comes into the kitchen, looks around, and points to the big massive burger bun toaster. I was told to clean it out.<br>So I spent my whole day taking the thing apart.<br>The whole inside was crusty and slimy and smelled like something rancid.<br>When I got down to the big butter tray at the bottom, <br>(that automaticly spreads butter on the buns before they are toasted)<br>I just about lost it.<br>The floating all over in the liquid butter were dead flies. <br>A dozen or more.<br><br>Talking to a co-worker, I found out that this was the first time the bun toaster had been taken apart and cleaned in two years.<br><br>How you might ask did the flies go unnoticed?<br>The butter tray itself is way down in the machine, we just refill it by a little pop-up funnel on top of the toaster.<br><br>Needless to say I never ate there again. <br><br>Theres one story of many :)
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