I've noticed something interesting, there is a nice little formula for finding where your birth stats are going to cap. For future reference, <span style="text-decoration:underline">birth stat here means the number in parenthesis next to the stat</span> not the actual birth stat.<br><br>First, identify what stat you are going to work on. Then look at 10+ imports and figure out what the average import stat is. Take that number, x, and plug it into this formula:<br><br>55 + .75x = y<br><br>where y equals the birth stat cap.<br><br>So, I've done this for a couple breeds,<br><br>Decoys: average import endurance = 20<br>55 + .75 (20) = 70<br>Their endurance sticks at 72.<br><br>Chihuahuas: average import strength = 45<br>55 + .75 (45) = 88.75<br>ChihuahuaMeow says their strength is sticking around 88.<br><br>Red Foxes: average import strength = 55<br>55 + .75 (55) = 96.25<br>Meeko says red fox strength sticks at 98 - 99<br><br>Greyhounds: average import speed = 100<br>55 + .75(100) = 130<br>Greyhound speed sticks around 132<br><br>Cane Corsos: average import hyper = 45<br>55 + .75(45) = 88.75<br>Cane Corsos stick around 85<br><br>Obviously it's not perfect, but it's pretty close. So if your breed is sticking, try this out on them and post here if it works? Also, does anyone know the actual algorithm and if it will be fixed so all breeds can get to 10x4?<br><br>Note: much older (real time-wise) dogs do not follow this because it appears that the code was changed since then.