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supposed photography

edited April 2010 in Vent
Photography is more than just snapping photos of something that looks pretty. It takes skill, time, and effort, as well as using rules such as rule of thirds, golden section, diagonals, eye leading, foreground, middleground, background, aaaaaaaaaand keeping in mind exposure, composition, shutter speed, lenses, interest, color, atmosphere, all that.<br><br>You'll hear that photography has no rules, but there is a thick line between an AMAZING photo and a crappy photo. <br><br>EXAMPLES<br><br><span style="font-size:75">They're of the same thing but one's more interesting than the other.</span><br><br>Good: <a href=" Fun/trees.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... /trees.jpg</a><br>Boring: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 5e6196.jpg</a><br><br>Good: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -small.jpg</a><br>Boring: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 1087_n.jpg</a><br><br>Good: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 477778.jpg</a><br>Boring: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... dabout.jpg</a><br><br><br>A pic has gotta have a subject. If it doesn't have a subject then the eye isn't drawn to anything. If the eye isn't drawn to anything then it's boring. If it's boring then it's not photography. It's a snapshot.<br><br>Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain and simple!
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • I've always been a strong believer that art has no rules, and that photography is photography whether it was done staged for artistic purposes or was completely spontaneous. What's crap to one, is art to another.<br><br> I dunno. To me it just seems pointless to attribute rules to something so opinion based.<br><br> My 2 cents.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • photography has no boundaries. im going to school to be a photographer. any one of those photos is considered photography. some of the most famous photos arent as good as any of those.
  • My 2 cents: Everyone has an opinion on what is good and what is bad - I don't really think it's fair to be saying other peoples work is boring compared to people who have -most likely- been taking photos for 30+ years and have a $5000 camera.<br>I take "crappy" photos sometimes, just because it's <span style="font-style:italic">just</span> a snapshot - not me actually trying. I'm not saying I am the best photographer either because I've only been taking photos for about 3-4 years and have a little $200 Nikon coolpix p50, it's small but it takes great quality photos.<br>It takes time to improve just like it takes time to improve drawing skill.<br>Some people also can't afford to have an expensive camera - so they work with what they have, and a LOT of the "amazing" photos are edited that's why they look so good. <br>I plan to get into pet portrait photography, when I was younger I wanted to travel the world and take wildlife photos but everyone seems that they are going into photography just because it -IS- an easy job (not gonna lie), however, I chose to just sticking with pets.
  • Well snapshots can be nice too.. doesn't mean it's photography.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I dont understand how a photo isnt photography? I mean as long as its a photo it should count, shouldnt it? Weither it is just a snapshot or done by a professional. I mean the word photo is in <span style="font-style:italic">photo</span>graphy. Well, at least my logic makes sense to me...
  • two cents<br>Photography is photography regardless, The quality of an image depends on the viewers opinion. Not that i honestly would not buy prints of the "bad" images you have posted but i still consider it photography.
    we will see
    Please Pm me if I win
  • There are two categories of photo taking in my book<br><br>Snapshots<br><br>and <br><br>Photography (skilled)<br><br>Plain and simple. My photography teacher won't give us a good grade for snapshots (Poor quality images that you literally clicked a button for). So, there is most certainly a difference. <br><br>People who take Snapshots may find that they have taken an amazing picture. Even I used to, but when I look back at my old stuff (literally wandering about snapping photos of my dogs) and the stuff I take today (setting up, making sure lighting is right, making sure I get composition right) there is a -huge- difference.<br><br>Of course I thought I was taking high quality pictures, they were the best for me at the time, but I realize now they were just snapshots. Its not to say snapshots are bad - a lot of my memories are in snapshots - but I do have to agree, there is a line between Snapshots and Photography.<br><br><br>Then again, this belief could just be because I'm passionate about photography *shrugs*
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Nickel's got it.<br><br>I love how everything now is opinion over fact... sigh. That's why there are soooooooooo many fights.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Nickel is right, there is a difference; Then again its all up to the person viewing the photo. Someone may like the "boring" picture better than the "good" picture. Its all matter of opinion.<br><br>Lava: I agree! Soooo many people wanna get into photography because it's "easy"; My aunt is a pro photographer and I;ve always loved tagging along with her while she works. Thats what started me on my love of photography. Although I love taking pictures, photography's just my backup plan. I plan on going to college next year to be a Pharm Tech and do sumthing in the medical field. Wish me luck xD
  • reina__ wrote:
    Nickel's got it.<br><br>I love how everything now is opinion over fact... sigh. That's why there are soooooooooo many fights.
    <br><br>The definition of photography; (n) photography, picture taking (the act of taking and printing photographs)<br><br>It doesn't matter what it looks like - it's photography, <span style="font-style:italic">all</span> photography is a picture/photo.<br><br>Now there is a difference between a professional photographer and an amateur.<br>Everyone has a right to opinion, I could think tomatoes taste amazing and you could think they taste horrid - doesn't mean either of us is right or wrong. Basically, everything in this world is based off an opinion.<br>I really don't see why people care how horrid/amazing people take photographs. If you don't like it - tough noodles. If you do - then good for you. It's not your work so really, why should you, I , or anyone else care? If the person who took the photo is happy then I am not gonna bring them down - it took me four long years to be where I am today and I -still- have work to do, and through positive reinforcement and support from my family, friends, etc. I was able to excel. I'm just talking as if you where comparing one of my photos to another artist's photo, if you placed one of my photos next to Nickel's said mine was boring, and hers was cool (obviously she takes better pictures than I XD) but that <span style="font-style:italic">would</span> be offensive as I <span style="font-style:italic">do</span> like the majority of my photos (even if they are just snapshots).<br> I would also like to say, art IS an opinion, everyone has their own style and/or technique.<br>Not to mention, the pictures you where comparing where amateurs to the pros. :wink:
  • two cents<br>Photography is photography regardless, The quality of an image depends on the viewers opinion. Not that i honestly would not buy prints of the "bad" images you have posted but i still consider it photography.
    Sybhat3 wrote:
    I dont understand how a photo isnt photography? I mean as long as its a photo it should count, shouldnt it? Weither it is just a snapshot or done by a professional. I mean the word photo is in photography. Well, at least my logic makes sense to me...
    Avla wrote:
    The definition of photography; (n) photography, picture taking (the act of taking and printing photographs)<br><br>It doesn't matter what it looks like - it's photography, <span style="font-style:italic">all</span> photography is a picture/photo.<br><br>Now there is a difference between a professional photographer and an amateur.<br>Everyone has a right to opinion, I could think tomatoes taste amazing and you could think they taste horrid - doesn't mean either of us is right or wrong. Basically, everything in this world is based off an opinion.<br>I really don't see why people care how horrid/amazing people take photographs. If you don't like it - tough noodles. If you do - then good for you. It's not your work so really, why should you, I , or anyone else care? If the person who took the photo is happy then I am not gonna bring them down - it took me four long years to be where I am today and I -still- have work to do, and through positive reinforcement and support from my family, friends, etc. I was able to excel. I'm just talking as if you where comparing one of my photos to another artist's photo, if you placed one of my photos next to Nickel's said mine was boring, and hers was cool (obviously she takes better pictures than I XD) but that <span style="font-style:italic">would</span> be offensive as I <span style="font-style:italic">do</span> like the majority of my photos (even if they are just snapshots).<br> I would also like to say, art IS an opinion, everyone has their own style and/or technique.<br>Not to mention, the pictures you where comparing where amateurs to the pros. :wink:
    <br><br> I agree with this. Photography is photography. It isn't exclusive to a particular standard or quality. Snapshots are just a subcategory, or branch off of photography; like ecology is a branch of biology. <br> <br>
    reina__ wrote:
    Nickel's got it.<br><br>I love how everything now is opinion over fact... sigh. That's why there are soooooooooo many fights.
    <br>I find that quite harsh to say. Maybe harshness is attributed to fighting?<br><br>
    Main Entry: pho·tog·ra·phy<br>Pronunciation: \fÉ™-ˈtä-grÉ™-fÄ“\<br>Function: noun<br>Date: 1839<br><br>: the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (as film or a CCD chip)<br><br>Main Entry: 1pho·to·graph<br>Pronunciation: \ˈfÅ
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Let's not get personal, please. Everyone take a deep breath :D
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Well the minute I post something on this Vent people think I'm hating them or what they do. I'm not. I don't know anyone on this board by anything except letters.. how could I hate.<br><br>Sushi, that's not harsh.. it's true. Because everyone disagrees with one another because of opinions.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • It's important to remember that if art always stayed within defined boundaries, it would become stale and die.
  • I don't think anyone was feeling hated, people stated their opinions. That's why there is a forum, to post your opinions and get others. Some didn't understand where you were coming from so asked a question. Or thought you didn't understand them, so were explaining.<br><br>Things started to look like people were starting to take things personally, so I thought I'd step in so the discussion could continue in a less personal vein. Just keep in mind, on the internet, most of what you read is not going to be fact.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • reina__ wrote:
    Well the minute I post something on this Vent people think I'm hating them or what they do. I'm not. I don't know anyone on this board by anything except letters.. how could I hate.<br><br>Sushi, that's not harsh.. it's true. Because everyone disagrees with one another because of opinions.
    <br><br> It's harsh to me because it makes it sound like you think Nickel and yourself are presenting fact, while everyone else is presenting merely opinion, no ifs, ands, or buts. Basically discrediting everyone else. That's how I took it, sorry if I was wrong.<br><br> I do agree though, everything said in the thread is opinion; neither you nor I are necessarily right. As Avla put it " IS an opinion, everyone has their own style and/or technique. "
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • xD We're told to look at things in a professional level in class when we critique.<br><br>Professional is following the Elements (line, form, shape, color, texture, space, value) and Principles (Emphasis, Rhythm, movement, balance, unity, variety, proportion) of art.<br><br>So, when we critique, we must write based on these facts. There is a section for opinion on our critique forms, and there is a section for "Judgment" which is all a professional take on things - Is there line to make your eye travel across the photograph? Is everything proportional? Do shapes help form the image?<br><br>Of course, not every photograph will have all of these things heavily in it, but it should contain a good amount of strong qualities of those things.<br><br>A snapshot, on the other hand, will lack in most of those. Yes, a snapshot is a photograph, but I think the subject being discussed here is people saying their photos are "photography" when they would be more so classified as "snapshots". I believe art sites, such as dA have headers such as these as well.<br><br>I'm not trying to say this is the way everyone will look at art, it isn't, but this is the way I have been looking at art since I took this class.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Now, I see your difference and I agree.<br>I recently started "photography" but after reading this, I'm not sure.<br>For example, would this be photography or snapshot?<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -161642084</a><br>This is just for my own personal knowledge so I know what else to read. <br>I've read artist's reviews and articles, but I want to know more.
  • well, mustang, its all a type of photography. some people will say snapshot others may say something different. im bout to post in artist alley some of my photos if you wanna go have a look at those when im done =)
  • Just gonna toss in my two cents here.<br><br>Photography is when you take pictures.<br>Some are more professional, some are less professional. Just because one doesn't have as high of quality as another doesn't classify it as something totally different.<br><br>That's just saying a sketch isn't a drawing, but a full-blown in-color, with background image is.<br>They're both drawings, one's just of higher standards than others.
  • <span style="font-size:75">That's a good analogy, Kaz.<br><br>I see both sides of the fence, but I am in no way qualified to make a decision.<br><br>I take pictures, yes. I call it photography, yes. But that could be an uneducated name, it could not. I do not know, or care. I enjoy what I do with pictures and no term can change that. ;)</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75">I dunno what I think about this...<br><br>I think I kind of agree with both sides of this debate...<br>I mean..when I take pictures with my crappy digital camera, I call it photography, just because..well, it's a picture, isn't it? I know that they're pretty much crap, but I don't do it as a profession or whatever, I just take pictures, to take pictures.<br>So yes, I agree that any picture, good or bad, is photography.<br><br>But I also agree that there's a difference between professional photographing and amateur.<br>People who go to school for it, study it, eat, sleep photography=Photographers<br>People who take pictures= er.. Picture takers?<br><br>I have no idea if this is making any sense. But.. that's the way I see it.</span>
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