No worries, you postest when it was still open <br>And since I've finished kmcov's banner( it just needs uploading but imageshack is striking XD) you're no.4 on the list
<br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-size:75"><br><li class="bb-listitem">Lycanthrin:<br>Contract accepted & returned <br>[/*]<br></li><br><li class="bb-listitem">Kmcov:<br>You still need to choose which one of the banners you'd like/ if you like them at all XD</span>[/*]</li><br></ul>
Deary me! o0<br>I've been gone for too long XD<br>I've had to pass some very important exams and thus wasn't on a lot. <br>Anyways, if you still want your banners made(Mad Farm Pup, CoastserCannons & reina) then please just reply here and I'll do those for free. I should have given you a heads up. Very sorry for the delay XD
Looking for upgrade.