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Agility {A Lesson for All}

I posted this on dA as well, so if you are in my sporting dogs feed on there, you may have already read this =P I think this is an important matter to anyone who owns dogs.<br><br>
<br><br><br>So I went to a trial yesterday with Tucker. We did amazing, I must say... qualified for all but one run (which was only Fullhouse, so, not too big of a loss). Tucker was listening incredibly well.<br><br>What I hope all trainers were listening to yesterday, however, was the Judge's opening speech. I was running late, so I walked in on the middle of the speech - but I caught the most important part of the whole thing.<br><br>He told us about his dog that he used to run with. She passed away, and with that he left us all with a very important message.<br><br>He said, "I would give anything to run with her again."<br><br>Sad story, very true reality for so many, and very important lesson for the rest of us. He went on to tell us all that we need to respect our dogs, and that they won't be there forever. He went on to tell us that we need to have fun and make sure our dogs are having fun. He said he didn't appreciate people who yell at their dogs, or people who take the game too seriously. He wanted us to have fun, because he no longer had his companion to run with. He taught us something that I believe is the most important lesson in life: Enjoy the time you have, and enjoy spending that time with those you love.<br><br>For all those people who run the course and yell at their dogs (and believe me, I have seen a lot of them, sadly) its a shame you are wasting time with your best friend. It's a shame that people will play sports with their dogs and make it their own game. Its not. It's a team effort, and I believe both should be having fun.<br><br>Of course there are times when you get upset - you spend money on trials, and when you fail, it is upsetting. However, do you think your dog cares? No. They are more than happy spending the day with you, win or lose. You, as a trainer, should also be more than happy to see your dog enjoying themselves. That to me is well worth the money. Running together, having fun together, laughing at mistakes and seeing your dogs eyes light up when they realize you love them no matter what. As people, we can learn a lesson from dogs here. Spending time with each other is important, no matter the overall win/lose rate.<br><br>Agility, flyball, obedience - whatever your dog is in, you're both in it together.<br><br>After losing a dog myself a few years back, when he told us that his was no longer there for him, it made me think the whole day at the trial. It made me realize how much I missed my dog, and how I too, would give anything to have her back. His words were simple, but powerful, and I will hold them close to my heart as I work with Tucker, and as I work with any of my dogs.<br><br>I hope everyone who listened to him, and anyone who has read this post will take his words into consideration, and the next time your dog makes a mistake (which most likely was probably your mistake anyway) you will laugh and move on. Dog's love our laughter, after all.
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.


  • Great post, Nickel.. Everyone should stop and take time to realize how much we mean to our animals. We're their entire lives, lol. That judge sounds like a really nice person, hopefully everyone there took his words to heart. <br><br>Good job too! Sounds like you two did great. :D
  • Yeah, he was amazing. He laughed the whole trial pretty much.<br><br>Tucker and I were having weave troubles for a moment, and my mom said he kind of did a "Yes!" thing when we finally got it xD He was totally into everyone's runs, which was great.<br><br>Thanks ;D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I was wondering how tucker did haha :)<br><br>That sounds like a cool judge.
  • Well said. :D
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Nickel has a gift of making me cry whenever I read your beautiful posts xD This is the second time it's happened >.><br><br>I've never done any shows with Charlie.. I don't think he's even show registered xD But I went through a stage where I taught him to do some jumps, cause boy can he jump!<br>I started off small, just getting him to run over a pole but then it came to jumping; At first he ran around everytime with an excited look on his face, after a while he saw my frustration and it showed on his face too. Soon after, he realised that he wasn't supposed to go around, under or knock over the jump and as soon as the excited look appeared on my face, he became happy again too xD<br>'tis one of the significant events I've had with that dog ;P<br>There's been many other times where we have 'worked as one' and it's one of the best feelings you can have, so I don't understand why some people treat their dogs just like a robot to control :?
  • aw xD Thanks? lol. I didn't mean to make it sad! The judge had me in tears though. I was like >.> Lovely way to start the day!<br><br>I saw a lot more people enjoying their dogs though, or at least pretending to... its sad that they have to be told to be happy though D:<br><br>A lot of people love watching Tucker and I run, just because Tucker is so animated, and he's actually having a good time. (also, because I probably look like a dork crossing the finish line and flailing about) xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
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