Hey everyone.

<br><br>How is everybody doing? I bet there quite a few new things that have happened. <br><br><br>It's been a long while since I've seen the forums. I still can't believe it's almost 4 months into 2010. Or that it's been 8 months since the funeral and such. <br><br>I do not know yet if I'm going to really play VP, but for now I'll stick around my account and see how things go. I'll probably upgrade again and maybe just let someone use it if I just don't get into it. For now I'll be keeping my signature the same. I see no point in changing it until I know what I'm doing. <br><br>Back into the swing of RL things...<br><br>For me, the biggest change is my personality and direction in life. With all honesty, I do believe I've become a tad more social, and I've made some mistakes in recent months that made me more aware of what the real world is like. <br><br>I've realized I wasn't the person I wanted to be. I treated people terribly, even on here, and didn't turn out to be as reliable as I had wanted. I procrastinate and never do what I say I'm going to. If I ever hurt anyone on here, I am sincerely sorry for everything. Even if it is "just coding", if I made a promise and never kept it, it was completely disgusting of me to have done so. <br><br>My impulsive, stubborn attitude has landed me in a difficult position. My path right now is still not chosen; it's difficult and full of emotions on either side. It's okay though. If I've gone through 18 years of this household, I can overcome anything and I will. My solutions may seem like failures to some, but I can never please everyone and I've come to accept that. <br><br>A few months ago I stopped giving my dog benedryl, vet's recommendation which wasn't even working, and decided to completely revamp her lifestyle. She now eats Evo dog food, takes two Grape Seed Extract pills daily, and occasionally gets RMBs or raw meat/eggs. Her coat is entirely grown in now, and it's only dull after she rolls in the dirt. Her skin is no longer red and raw; it's a beautiful seal color. She no longer sleeps all day and all night - she once again has the energy to play. She's never allowed to eat grains, chemicals, or any low quality food again. My mother made the mistake of giving her some wet Beneful food and my dog lost the fur off of her right eye. It'll heal in time, but it's a shocking reminder of what used to be. <br><br>My younger brother's "charm" still tends to annoy me. He's been able to convince my mom to get/buy him a bunch of brand new things, such as the 2 year Sprint contract with a Palm Pre, a playstation 3, a laptop, a mattress/box spring, a professional suit, and a 32" HDTV for his room. We now tend to get fast food 3-7 times a week, because that's all my brother likes to eat. Whereas on me, she gets angry if I ask her to buy a $0.33 candle from the dollar store, and unfortunately that is not even a lie. I got it on a video. Heh. However, honestly, I've given up all hard feelings towards it. Annoyance is the only thing that I can't let go of. Soon I won't even blink. If material objects is the only way my younger brother will love her, then at least I can claim otherwise.<br><br>As for my entire lifestyle, especially in the past two weeks I've seen an incredible change. I go on 3 mile walks 3x a week, do lower body exercises (10 sets of 5) 2x a week, and I do upper body exercises 1x a week. I've made a promise to myself that, if I meet my weight goal by summer of next year, I will try to enlist in the Army to become military police or ammunitions specialist. Joining the Army is actually an amazing opportunity, because you're guaranteed your job, they pay college tuition, and you receive paid training. Unfortunately I would give up my dream of owning an APBT for the duration of my contract, but I would come out with enough savings to last me - and the dog - a long time. <br><br>If you've ever seen pictures of me, your first thought would be that my goal is probably impossible. The only real difficulty are my large bones, but I'm hoping they aren't going to interfere with my desire. At any rate, my goal is 140-150 lbs. I have to lose almost 1/2 of my weight in a little over a year. Do-able? Should be. Easy? Heck no. However - I've cut out all pork, beef, and fast food; all things I hate anyway. I've added a ton of fresh veggies, nuts, and extra protein to my diet. If I eat meat, it's a lean fish or it's chicken. On days that I do lower/upper body exercises, I eat extra protein from nuts, seeds, and tuna. I'll do the same for when I start weight training, but for now I'll leave that in the distance. I've become a good cook and a great baker; and on a side note, I'm even designing some cakes for birthdays and holidays.<br><br>So yeah. This path is rather difficult, but whether I go into the Army or choose to immediately head for dog training college, I need to be in a much better shape than I am now. I'm no longer going to be ashamed of how I look, because even if I meet my goal and still look "ugly", I can be proud of doing something worthwhile. <br><br><br>Oh well. I've blabbed long enough. I'd like to hear what has been going on with you all and your pets.

If I don't get any responses, that's fine too.
:P <br><br><br><br>- Anastasia
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Training Boarding
On an indefinite hiatus.
Training Boarding
Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
On an indefinite hiatus.