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edited February 2010 in Game Suggestions
I would buy a lot more things with RL cash for this game if they weren't so expensive.<br><br>The sponsor isn't very expensive but others such as Personal Breed, Gifties, and new imports.<br><br>I mean really, gifties jumped $2.00 since I last looked at them.<br>And $7 for 6 imports? If it was like $4 for 6 that would be a lot better.<br><br>Not everyone on this game has money to waste.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • Its actually 20 imports for $7.
  • reina__ wrote:
    Not everyone on this game has money to waste.
    <br><br>Ya' know.. you don't have to buy anything.
  • Okay tranish, but I want to...<br><br>It says "receive 6 extra imports for $7".
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • It's wrong and needs to be changed. Its 20unmades for $7
  • The prices are the way they are because there are rather large server bills to be paid. I don't ever recall dyes being $7USD, so I don't know where this $2 jump you're referring to came from. Personally, I think the prices for upgrades, dyes, and additional imports are reasonable. (And I don't have "money to waste" either.)<br><br>Personal Breeds are priced high for a couple reasons: if they were cheaper, the games would be overrun with private breeds. You are buying the rights to be the <span style="font-weight:bold">only</span> player to have that breed.<br><br>And remember, if the RL cash prices are not to your liking you can always pay another player with VPC to purchase the item for you.
  • reina__ wrote:
    I would buy a lot more things with RL cash for this game if they weren't so expensive.<br>
    <br><br>I think everyone would, which would be great as far as profit, but as far as the game goes, nothing would be rare or special anymore.
  • Okay. No one has to be offended by my post, seems like a couple were. Like always... am I offensive??
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I don't think you are/were. You were just stating your thoughts and didn't get rude about it.
  • reina__ wrote:
    Okay. No one has to be offended by my post, seems like a couple were. Like always... am I offensive??
    <br><br>I don't think anyone was offended...?<br>As far as my reply, it was basically an "I agree with you, but at the same time I see where other people are coming from" ;-)
  • reina__ wrote:
    Not everyone on this game has money to waste.
    <br><br>If there were offense to be taken from your post, that's probably where it would stem from. Just a little contradictory, your saying you want to buy things but at the same time you don't have money to waste on the game.<br><br>But I see a lot of facts being stated, not offense being taken.
  • Facts stated a little mouthy, maybe. Nevermind.. I'm sick of fighting on these forums so much.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Well, half of written communication is how it is read. Perhaps you're reading comments and taking something different than what the writer intended. Just a thought. ;)
  • I honestly think this is a good idea, and I like it. Because honestly an import isn't costing Nef anything.. The site costs her as a whole. If she set the prices lower she would have more frequent buyers rather than having for example 10 a month for importants at 7 dollars, if she lowered it by 2 or 3 dollars she could have 20-30 a month buying imports for 4-6 dollars.. Overall it would be an easier way to make money. Or offer more of something like buy VPC.. That would be awesome to me if you could just buy VPC... The sponsors are going up at a ridiculous rate and I think the numbers maybe falling due to other games being a lot cheaper and require more attention. Where VP you can just leave your kennel for 2 and 3 months at a time.. They don't age, they don't loose quality, nothing. :/ I don't know. that's just my opinion though.
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