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I need someone who is experience(:

edited February 2010 in Artist Alley
Okay so I've got a couple sketches I'd like to get something done with them, maybe outlined and colord in? I would like to have an experienced person to do this for me(sorry beginners)<br><br>I will pay a good price. depending on quality, between 500k and 2 mill per sketch<br><br>If you are up to the job please let me know and I will post links to the sketches, also please provide examples.<br><br>Thanks :wink:
4555/10,000fame points
36 mill/50 mill VPC


  • Can we see what kind of sketches we'd potentially be inking/coloring? :D <br><br>And do you prefer hard or soft cell shading?
  • Yeah, I'll take pictures or scan them as soon as I can(Soryy I haven't done so yet) <br>Probably later today.
    4555/10,000fame points
    36 mill/50 mill VPC
  • I can line for you and do flat colors, but shading is just a bit too time consuming for 500k-2 mill per sketch. Ya know, figuring out the light source and all that shtuffs. XD Its my least favourite part of art.<br><br>When you get the pics up, I'll quickly line one for you as an example, free with no strings attached. :D Then you can decide if you'd like me to color/do the rest.
  • Okay, thanks. How much would it cost to have you do shading also??<br><br>and sorry my scanner was having problems yesterday, i"ll try and see if I can get it to work today
    4555/10,000fame points
    36 mill/50 mill VPC
  • XD Money isn't actually the entire issue for whether or not I'd shade for you. It's mainly time. :lol: Being as busy I as am, I simply don't see how I'd be able to squeeze the shading into the deal.<br><br>I can do lining and flats though! Even more so, I <span style="font-style:italic">enjoy </span>doing that part. Who knows? Maybe over the weekend or something I'll have an opportunity to shade something as well. :D And take your time with the scanner. I know what buttheads they can be. *glares at own scanner*
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