I'm just gunna completely leave the forums except for sales.. because honestly, this forum is like a bubbling boiling pot of stressy, pissy, hot-tempered people (not everyone but I seem to run into the ones that are), either that or stealing people which I have explained in my previous vent. I'm really not in the mood and never really am in the mood to talk to people that get offended by every nonoffensive thing I say, including the Ops on VP forums AND the VHR forums. Imo the Ops should be mediators and state facts about the game, not take sides regardless of their opinions. <br><br>I just feel like I'm surrounding myself with 10 year olds that have no original ideas so they just copy mine (don't bring up the fact my stuff isn't protected again please, because I'm not worried about that and never was...), and mouth off to me because they know <span style="font-style:italic">everything there is to know</span> about VP and think they're better than me. <br><br>This is my vent so don't disagree with me, it's just a vent, nothing more than that. People vent to be supported not to get angrier by lame responses.<br><br>So bye all. There will be a select few I'll miss. You can PM me for my MSN / Yahoo and DeviantArt if you wanna stay in touch.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Goals: 13/50million VPC
DA Account
53/50 Million by 1.31.10
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.