The Pros and Cons of creating breed specific events. Updated for your reading pleasure. <br><br>There are two sides to everything, and here they are. If I miss it here please. I propose that we have the OPTION to create breed specific events if we so choose. And by ‘we’ I mean sponsers. <br><br>There is a poll. Please READ AS FOLLOWS: Please read the following and cast your opinion (as well as voice it). I realize this is two sided. However you do not have to vote, and all comments are welcomed. If you have any other suggestions or views. Please post them now. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">|THE PROS|</span><br>○ Events catered to the breed minorities. <br><span style="font-style:italic">I understand how frustrating it can be to choose a specific breed that doesn’t get as much attention as other breeds do. And do to lack of breeding stock, you have lack of bloodlines and the process of breeding a better dog is slower then say breeding a better husky (or another popular dog). Because it takes more time, your dogs may not be at competing potential. They may be maxed, but the natural levels my still be foundation series. Creating events for your breed of dog that can not compete on the current playing field allows you to see where your dog is improving..and where it needs to improve when up against other dogs of the same breed. </span><br><br>○ Competing in breed specific classes gives it a bit more realism. <br><span style="font-style:italic">In real dog shows (most unless they are open class) they are breed specific. That way the playing field is completely fair and the dogs are judged on conformation and skill with in an equal group.</span><br><br>○ Encouragement to sponsor up. <br><span style="font-style:italic">With all the bad publicity people have been giving sponser accounts. I think this may just brighten their eyes a tad and encourage them to sponser up.</span><br><br>○ Don’t forget the little people. <br><span style="font-style:italic">What about use breeders who’s dogs are being over powered by dogs that should not even be in those events to begin with? We may have some super breeds, but can’t touch them compared to other breeds in the game? This gives us a chance to let our breeds shine. </span><br><br>○ improve the breed. <br><span style="font-style:italic">I want to know where my dogs stands with it’s peers. You can only tell so much when you are competing in an event with a dozen dog breeds. This allows for a more intimate comparison, where you can see what needs to change in your dog when comparing it to the same bred standard. We have a breed ‘standard’ on all the breeds..but those are general stats...what happens when we surpass those stats and need to see if we are doing a good job?</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">|THE CONS|</span><br>○ Breeds not being recognized. <br><span style="font-style:italic">I realize that with the eddition fo these (if ever applied) some of you may feel left out because your dogs are not being represented in events. I realize that the popular breeds will have more shows tailored to them then any of the other breeds.</span><br><br>This was mentioned a long time ago. And I have brought it up in some other form threads. Below are what people had to say..or what I said about it. If you would like to add something else to it. Please post below. And don’t forget to vote!<br><br>
I don't think they should break the events by breed, but they should make "best of breed" pages so your dogs are up against others of the same breed.
<br>but that would be conformation and showmen ship. I just think it would be a good idea to have the option to create breed classes. You wouldn’t have to have them..but they are available if you want them. That would keep out greyhounds form overruling the racing events, and give breeds that race other then GH a chance to win.<br><br>
I am with you bara

my salukis deserve some events to

<br><br>exactly. Salukies race and hunt. but they have a hard chance of placing when competing against pointers, retrievers, and greyhounds. The only way that I could win was if I juiced my dogs up now. And i was getting pretty frustrated that random dogs were winning events that you rarely ever..if ever...see the breed in. I like this idea specially for racing and hunting events. So many breeds out there race or hunt, and each breed compeats with a different style. Some hunting events in RL are open class. While others are put on for a specific dog breed by that association. I really did get anoyed when i saw retreivers winning ahead of some of my dogs. They are retrievers..they hunter shoots the animal and they fetch it. They don’t do the actual hunting like the hound dogs do. This way if we were given the option to host breed specific events, we can create hunting shows down if we so desired. Of course there will still be open shows.<br><br>
woot on the breed classes! My pitbulls pretty much suck at everthing but if there was breed classes they would be able to compete fairly! I'd also get into some of the unknown breeds more.
<br><br>exactly like Pit bulls make great hunting dogs (boar hunting) and they are used for weight pulling..but those other large breed mastifs are winning those events.<br><br>
Adding my vote for breed-specific events.<br><br>And kudos to Bara for mentioning the boar-hunting pits. Even with the equipment for catch-dogs being under my nose everytime I look at a dog catalog, I forget that use, too.<br><br>I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but there's a decently-sized difference between track racing and lure coursing. It'd be great (later down the road when current stuff is mended) to maybe have separate events. Greyhounds would definitely have an advantage on the track, but all sighthounds should get a bonus for lure-coursing.
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