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I have two suggestions

I would first like to congradulate the maker on there excelent efforts to make a wonderful pure exiting dog sim. I have of two suggestions.<br><br><br>1. I was wondering why mixbreds are born neutered i feel this effects the realism of the game and for the few people who like breeding mixbred it makes it very disappointing to see all the turns you waisted for your dog getting in heat and for it giving birth. I am one who likes breeding mixbreds I enjoy seeing what pops up I am a responcible breeder who does neuter dogs with bad stats ( especially when there is a 500 dollar award). I feel real strong about this and I also feel this would individulize Virtual Pups from all other dog sim games.<br><br><br>2. I feel that there should be a price on retiring dogs because all I need to do is breed some pups up neuter them all and then dispose of them and i walk out with $2000 and no pups to take care of.


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