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Tarnished Trainoff- OVER-WINNERS POSTED



  • Can I get 10 rabbit retrievers?
  • Points should be updated correctly. <br><br>Less than two weeks left. So if anyone decides to make an epic come back, nows the time. xD<br><br>And thanks for all your guys' hard work so far. Im trying to get more prizes for 1st and 2nd since the two in those spots now have a significant amount of point difference than the rest of everone else. :D
  • 160 and 135 please..still doing the other 3 i have left..had to get money up lol <_<
  • No problem Chihuahua :D <br><br>And 135 has already been taken and finished. Maybe you meant a different number? I sent you 160 though. ;)
  • Can I get the last 2 zodiacs?
  • Sent ;D<br><br>editI have a project due on Thursday but I'm going to try and breed the dogs that were finished on Wednesday night. So there should be some new ones up then depending on what you guys finish. Just think, no more ports! Thanks for your guys participation so far. I know I've said this but I'm happy with the turn out. Im saving up cash and I may be able to add another 15mil to prizes. I'll be broke afterwards.. but heck you guys deserve it. xD
  • Where to send dogs: Essies's Dogs<br>Kennel Link: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Examples if you haven't trained for me (at least two):
  • Things are updated.
  • <span style="font-size:92">I'm gonna finish up the dog in my kennel, but I'm droppin' out. I haven't been on VP at all in almost 2 weeks, so I'm way behind and I don't see myself getting on more often any time soon. ;;</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Can I get 181, 182, 165, 166 and 149
  • <span style="font-size:150">Ending on Saturday, Jan. 16. Please note that dogs will not be sent out on the 16th! </span><br><br>The 16th is meant to finish whatever contracts you have. You may request a bunch of dogs on the 15th without worrying about the limit. At the end of the day on the 16th, I would like to ask that you send back any dogs you haven't finished. Points will be added up and prizes will be given out on the 17th. ;D
  • Finished 1599705,<br>Going to go ahead and return the 3 I didn't, no time with school, unfortunately
  • Alrighty, thanks for letting me know so I can put the dogs up for others. :)
  • :arrow: <br><br>3 days left! ^-^
  • ending tomorrow. ;D
  • Ending Today. I'll be canceling any unaccepted contracts at 4pm est
  • Its over..yay
    <br><br>No.. I am letting people finish what they started if they want before I officially close it. ;)
  • Ah..sounds fair to me =)
  • <span style="font-size:200">Winners!!</span><br><br>1. Meeko -1537pts (unmade dye, 50mil, and 5 gifties)<br><br>2. Terriers -911pts (25mil and 3 gifties)<br><br>3. Chihuahua -504pts (15mil and 1 giftie)<br><br>4. Shepherd -455pts (10mil vpc)<br><br>5. Vi -212pts (5mil vpc)<br><br>Winners can send me a negative contract in the money amount that you've won. <br><br>For gifties, please look through dogs up for -1 in this kennel <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; . Please message me the dogs you are interested in before you place the bids. Some may not be available. Meeko will get to choose first, then terriers, and chihuahua. <br><br>Lastly, Meeko you can send the dog you want dyed to tarnish. Please have the color in the notes. :)<br><br>Thank you everyone for taking part. Below I have a list of all the dogs the top5 did. Make sure I added it up right, though I'm sure I didn't mess up enough, if at all, to change the outcome of peoples' places.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">MEEKO</span></span><br>2. 1272491 Meeko-39pts <br>4. 1272492 Meeko-39pts <br>6. 1272493 Meeko-39pts <br>8. 1272494 Meeko-39pts <br>9. 1272499 Meeko-36pts <br>10. 1278729 Meeko-39pts <br>11. 1272500 Meeko-36pts <br>12. 1318854 Meeko-39pts <br>13. 1278730 Meeko-36pts <br>14. 1318855 Meeko-39pts <br>15. 1318856 Meeko-36pts <br>16. 1362651 Meeko-6pts <br>18. 1560709 Meeko-37pts <br>25. 1594000 Meeko-31pts <br>26. 1594001 Meeko-30pts <br>33. 1566338 Meeko-37pts <br>35. 1560716 Meeko-37pts <br>120. 1560716 Meeko-3pts<br>162. 1602187 Meeko-27pts <br>163. 1602220 Meeko-26pts <br>62. 1374226 Meeko-39pts <br>63. 1529110 Meeko-36pts <br>64. 1529107 Meeko-30pts <br>65. 1374232 Meeko-36pts <br>66. 1374227 Meeko-39pts <br>67. 1374235 Meeko-36pts <br>68. 1374228 Meeko-39pts <br>69. 1374234 Meeko-36pts <br>103. 1595813 Meeko-35pts <br>104. 1374229 Meeko-39pts <br>105. 1524843 Meeko-36pts <br>106. 1524841 Meeko-39pts <br>107. 1524842 Meeko-36pts <br>108. 1529108 Meeko-39pts <br>109. 1529111 Meeko-36pts <br>150. 1602041 Meeko-33pts <br>151. 1602066 Meeko-33pts <br>152. 1602089 Meeko-33pts <br>153. 1602135 Meeko-33pts <br>154. 1600590 Meeko-39pts <br>155. 1600606 Meeko-36pts <br>156. 1599704 Meeko-39pts <br>157. 1529112 Meeko-36pts <br>158. 1600607 Meeko-39pts <br>110. 1504836 Meeko-12pts <br>112. 1504831 Meeko-15pts <br>149. 1602031 Meeko-28pts<br>159. 1599706 Meeko-36pts<br><span style="font-weight:bold">TOTAL=1537pts</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">TERRIERS</span></span><br>78. 1594647 Terriers-25pts <br>80. 1594702 Terriers-29pts <br>92. 1595110 Terriers-27pts <br>96. 1595547 Terriers-33pts <br>46. 1585060 Terriers-28pts <br>97. 1595567 Terriers-31pts <br>49. 1368490 Terriers-31pts <br>50. 1368488 Terriers-11pts <br>51. 1368493 Terriers-31pts <br>53. 1368492 Terriers-31pts <br>76. 1590134 Terriers-26pts <br>77. 1590173 Terriers-27pts <br>99. 1595609 Terriers-31pts <br>100. 1595645 Terriers-30pts <br>87. 1594972 Terriers-26pts <br>88. 1595030 Terriers-25pts <br>89. 1595035 Terriers-25pts <br>90. 1595045 Terriers-26pts <br>101. 1595655 Terriers-25pts <br>134. 1599438 Terriers-27pts <br>135. 1599439 Terriers-27pts <br>136. 1599440 Terriers-27pts <br>137. 1599441 Terriers-27pts <br>138. 1599442 Terriers-26pts <br>139. 1599443 Terriers-26pts <br>140. 1599444 Terriers-26pts <br>141. 1599446 Terriers-26pts <br>111. 1504830 Terriers-15pts<br>113. 1504839 Terriers-12pts <br>131. 1581797 Terriers-12pts <br>132. 1598436 Terriers-12pts <br>133. 310417 Terriers-12pts <br>168. 1601590 Terriers-29pts <br>169. 1601589 Terriers-29pts <br>183. 1601587 Terriers-31pts <br>184. 1601591 Terriers-29pts <br><span style="font-weight:bold">TOTAL=911pts</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">CHIHUAHUA</span></span><br>17. 1362397 Chihuahua-1pts <br>93. 1422143 Chihuahua-2pts <br>95. 1595536 Chihuahua-25pts <br>27. 1594098 Chihuahua-27pts <br>28. 1575893 Chihuahua-25pts <br>34. 1566342 Chihuahua-34pts <br>36. 1566343 Chihuahua-34pts <br>37. 1561700 Chihuahua-28pts <br>38. 1201048 Chihuahua-25pts <br>39. 1201056 Chihuahua-22pts <br>43. 1201058 Chihuahua-30pts <br>44. 1201059 Chihuahua-30pts <br>45. 1201051 Chihuahua-33pts<br>52. 1368487 Chihuahua-32pts<br>58. 1594144 Chihuahua-27pts <br>59. 1594145 Chihuahua-27pts <br>60. 1594143 Chihuahua-27pts <br>61. 1594146 Chihuahua-26pts <br>160. 1599705 Chihuahua-39pts <br><span style="font-weight:bold">TOTAL=504pts</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">SHEPHERDS</span></span><br>19. 1560710 Sheperd-37pts <br>20. 1566344 Shepherd-37pts <br>21. 1593996 Shepherd-31pts <br>22. 1593997 Shepherd-30pts <br>23. 1593998 Shepherd-31pts <br>24. 1593999 Shepherd-30pts <br>29. 1560407 Shepherd-34pts <br>30. 1566337 Shepherd-37pts <br>31. 1566339 Shepherd-37pts <br>32. 1566341 Shepherd-34pts <br>70. 1529109 Shepherd-39pts <br>72. 1374230 Shepherd-39pts <br>114. 1504833 Shepherd-39pts <br><span style="font-weight:bold">TOTAL=455pts</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">VI</span></span><br>40. 1201049 Vi-25pts <br>41. 1201057 Vi-22pts <br>42. 1201050 Vi-25pts <br>54. 1594147 Vi-26pts <br>55. 1594149 Vi-26pts <br>56. 1594150 Vi-26pts <br>57. 1594148 Vi-26pts <br>71. 1374233 Vi-36pts <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">TOTAL=212pts</span>
  • All of meeko's prizes are claimed except the dye. <br><br>Terriers, you can pick out your three gifties now. :)
  • I know you have multiple accounts, so which one do I send?
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
  • to tarnish<br><br>Terriers, you can also pick out the three gifties you want. ;)
  • I'll just take those then.
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
  • Are you sure terriers? You're allowed to pick a 3rd one. And you can go ahead and bid 0 on the other two. ;)<br><br>Chihuahua, you can go ahead and pick your giftie now. ^-^;<br><br>Thanks guys for claiming things fast. :D
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