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'Ello, I'm new :)

edited December 2009 in General Discussion
<span style="font-size:75">This should've been my first post but layouts tend to get the better of me :oops: <br><br>Well, what can I say....?<br>I'm 17, own two cornsnakes, a dog and a teddy bear named Ruhpus lol<br>Those are the most important bits of my life apart from school and friends.<br>I was just kidding with my teddy bear, but those things grow on you when you've had them long enough. And 17 years is a very long time ;)<br><br>Yah, that's me. I like making layouts and banners aswell XD<br><br>Maybe some people would lend me some of their time if I come across any problems concerning VP. Being new unfortunately does have it's cons.<br></span>


  • <span style="font-size:75">WELCOME!!<br>We don't bite.<br>[:<br><br>VP is soo cool. It's very addicting, so be ready for a wild rush! ;D<br>Have fun!<br>PM me if you need ANY help.<br> :wink: <br><br>Okay, okay. Maybe we <span style="font-style:italic">do</span> bite, but not that often... xD<br>*bites*<br>Sorry, I was having a moment. :twisted: </span>
  • Don't listen to Kaley.<br>I bite. 8D And it's much worse than my bark. xD<br><br>Welcome to VP, I've played for... A very long time (since VP was first open to public beta testing) so any questions that AREN'T answered in the <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">help files</a> feel free to ask.<br><br>I'm a firm believer in that help file thing. I've redirected so many people to it, I have the url memorized better than my boyfriend's (of more than three years) phone number.
  • Okay, some of us bite. xD
  • <span style="font-size:75">Let's hope you never have to bite me :wink: <br>Thank you for the link Kazuko!<br>I already found a couple of answers that popped up :lol: <br>And there is also that support area here in the forum which will come in ahndy I'm sure.</span>
  • Welcome!<br><br>I saw your post of the layout, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work!<br><br>I'm an art addict so I'll be keeping a eye on your art as I do for nearly everybody ;)<br><br>Feel free to ask questions (I don't least not hard)
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">Welcome!<br>I have the biggest bite of them all.<br>MWAHHHAA!</span></span>
  • HAALLO. NICE TO MEET YOU.<br><br>My name is Chibi. I do Arts. HEY, like the banner above me. I did that for Mia (she's cool ya know).<br><br>How long have you been on VP?? C:
    Click here to visit my deviantart
    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • HAALLO. NICE TO MEET YOU.<br><br>My name is Chibi. I do Arts. HEY, like the banner above me. I did that for Mia (she's cool ya know).<br><br>How long have you been on VP?? C:
    <br><br>CHIZBZ. just walk away.<br>Pshh. Scaring everyone away.<br>tsktsk.
  • lol<br>I've only been on VP a couple of days ya know :wink: <br>But if everyone is crazy like me then it's alright XD<br>I think we'll all get along fine - as long as nobody forgets to take their pills :lol:
  • Azuria wrote:
    lol<br>I've only been on VP a couple of days ya know :wink: <br>But if everyone is crazy like me then it's alright XD<br>I think we'll all get along fine - as long as nobody forgets to take their pills :lol:
    <br><br>Woops. :wink: <br>PM me. xD
  • Hello! <br>I'm theprotector but everyone knows me as Galileo.<br>I wont be on the forum account for long because I just created one with the correct name.<br>I'm 15<br>I own 2 iguanas, Norm and Nova.<br>Don't be shy to ask me questions if needed!<br>Nice meeting you!
  • Heyy.<br>I'm known as the only boy on VP.<br>I just turned 13.<br>I'm into web design and graphics as well.
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
  • "Mia: wrote:
    HAALLO. NICE TO MEET YOU.<br><br>My name is Chibi. I do Arts. HEY, like the banner above me. I did that for Mia (she's cool ya know).<br><br>How long have you been on VP?? C:
    <br><br>CHIZBZ. just walk away.<br>Pshh. Scaring everyone away.<br>tsktsk.
    <br><br>D: I'm a naughty Shizbz.<br><br><br><br>Azuria lol! Only a few days hu? You'll be a long time addict soon. >:3 I'm going on four years. xDD
    Click here to visit my deviantart
    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • ^<br>I used to play, but of course, I quit, for a year && a half. <br>I do rememeber you Chibz. :]
  • Nice to meet all of you! :D <br>Addictions are never good. Maybe this one time I can make an exception and see what VP does to me :twisted:
  • I've seen it before, the symptoms of VP addiction are; staying up all night training, working extra hours at work so you can get more sponsors, and yes even leaving your family holiday party because you're wondering how far your dogs are getting trained. Enjoy!
  • Wheehw o0<br>I've just read Kaley's post and now I'm thinking<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic"> "Should I get one!?"</span></span><br>Just seems so tempting :twisted:
  • It's extreamly tempting but strangely worth it too
  • Maybe - just maybe - I'll wait until the new year. I should try VP like it is and if I'm not satisfied then I'll get one. So far, training kennels are supposed to be the best, right? :lol:
  • Yes, but they're alot of work and if your computer's slow you probably they're painstaking. But sponsor training are often the wealthiest kennels.
  • Azuria wrote:
    Wheehw o0<br>I've just read Kaley's post and now I'm thinking<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic"> "Should I get one!?"</span></span><br>Just seems so tempting :twisted:
    <br><br>Thank you. Somone else is debating, too. xD
  • Well..I seem to be a bit late on the welcoming. Haha<br>but anywho-I'm femme/vamp/vampy/Iseul. :)<br>I almost didn't read any post except for Kaley's first one, I was thinking: damn Kaley, speak for yourself. XD because I'm known to bite's actually my favourite attack, next to kicking. Haha<br>I take taekwondo at my local ATA, ride my best friends horse and practically live in my woods near my uncle's house. :) and you're just a year ahead of me lol, did you ever wonder why sophomore was spelled so oddly??? <br>But anyways-welcome to VP :D<br>I would definitly recommend a trainigng sponser if you do decide to get one, as long as you don't have a really slow computer. Haha I missed my training kennel not even a week after it expired. lol I'm still freakin out waiting for it to be re-upgraded haha<br><br> I totally typed a giant Story haha
  • Hi, I'm Woody =D I've been playing for uhm.. Since vp was open to the public xD but only seriously for the past.. Dunno, 3 years? People on here don't realllyy bite.. Only if you annoy them, which I'm sure you won't xD and if they do, just hit them on the nose or squirt them with a water pistol :lol: I'm too into arts, mainly banner making, which you may of seen around ^.^ there is always lots going on on vp, joining the forums was a right choice, alot of the big deals happen on here =] as well as chat. As you've probably realised *especially from Chibz* practically everyone is nuts xD and most people are addicted (yes, the training worries are true..) vp is great, joining was one of the best desicions I ever made ^.^ but I'd wait untill you're truley into the game before buying a sponcer.. And uhm. About me, I'm 13.. Don't have any pets, but LOVE all animals! Well.. Apart from spiders.. And maggoty wormy moth things.. =S I would love to get a corn snake (minus the mice and stuff xD) or lizard of some type.. But my parents would never let me.. Just wait untill I've got my own place xD horses, dogs, reptiles galore! And,, 'gawd, between me and femmevampy, you'll be Reading for a day :lol:

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • Kazuko wrote:
    Don't listen to Kaley.<br>I bite. 8D And it's much worse than my bark. xD.
    <br><br>Indeed it is(:<br>Haha, kidding, Kaz.<br><br>I'm Sunny, Sunneh, Kaytee... Whatever you want to call me. And welcome to VP! ;D We're a pretty nice bunch here. Just a bit crazy.. Maybe a bit too crazy?<br>Who knows.<br><br>Hope you have fun!
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • You guys! Don't Scare her away!!! :shock: Lmao
  • Hiya im Cybe. You can call me whatever you want though :D
  • HEYA! Welcome to the land of the weirdos ;)<br><br>I bite sometimes... And when I do its more of a gnaw, or I bite cause I like you :) Watch your toes xD <br> <br>Anyways Im Wheatie or Wheaty or Wheat- Whatever you want. I've been playing for 5 years. I live on a dairy farm with 66 cows last I counted but that was a month or two ago. I also have four goats with the some babies <br>on the way in March. We have 7 dogs, all are Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers. <br><br>I also love making banners. And when I get in the mood to make them I can sit and make them until I get kicked off the computers. I'm also a shutterbug, I adore taking photos.
  • Wheaton wrote:
    HEYA! Welcome to the land of the weirdos ;)<br><br>I bite sometimes... And when I do its more of a gnaw, or I bite cause I like you :) Watch your toes xD <br> <br>Anyways Im <span style="font-weight:bold">Wheatie or Wheaty or Wheat</span>- Whatever you want. I've been playing for 5 years. I live on a dairy farm with 66 cows last I counted but that was a month or two ago. I also have four goats with the some babies <br>on the way in March. We have 7 dogs, all are Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers. <br><br>I also love making banners. And when I get in the mood to make them I can sit and make them until I get kicked off the computers. I'm also a shutterbug, I adore taking photos.
    <br><br>and wheatykinz! ;D
  • Kaley wrote:
    Wheaton wrote:
    HEYA! Welcome to the land of the weirdos ;)<br><br>I bite sometimes... And when I do its more of a gnaw, or I bite cause I like you :) Watch your toes xD <br> <br>Anyways Im <span style="font-weight:bold">Wheatie or Wheaty or Wheat</span>- Whatever you want. I've been playing for 5 years. I live on a dairy farm with 66 cows last I counted but that was a month or two ago. I also have four goats with the some babies <br>on the way in March. We have 7 dogs, all are Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers. <br><br>I also love making banners. And when I get in the mood to make them I can sit and make them until I get kicked off the computers. I'm also a shutterbug, I adore taking photos.
    <br><br>and wheatykinz! ;D
    I had like 50 nicknames at one point xD I usually just tell people Wheatie Wheaty or Wheat
  • Wheaton wrote:
    Kaley wrote:
    Wheaton wrote:
    HEYA! Welcome to the land of the weirdos ;)<br><br>I bite sometimes... And when I do its more of a gnaw, or I bite cause I like you :) Watch your toes xD <br> <br>Anyways Im <span style="font-weight:bold">Wheatie or Wheaty or Wheat</span>- Whatever you want. I've been playing for 5 years. I live on a dairy farm with 66 cows last I counted but that was a month or two ago. I also have four goats with the some babies <br>on the way in March. We have 7 dogs, all are Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers. <br><br>I also love making banners. And when I get in the mood to make them I can sit and make them until I get kicked off the computers. I'm also a shutterbug, I adore taking photos.
    <br><br>and wheatykinz! ;D
    I had like 50 nicknames at one point xD I usually just tell people Wheatie Wheaty or Wheat
    <br><br>oh, otay :D
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