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*sigh* I love December ;D

edited December 2009 in General Discussion
<span style="font-size:75">IT'S SO FUN!<br>Snow, winter, christmas, presents, all the spirit, happiness, the cocoa, the warmth, everything! I just LOVE it ;D<br><br>First my family fiddle-farts around and just has fun.<br>Then, 2-3 weeks before Christmas, we put up either a.) our crappy, old, smelly, weird, artificial tree, or b.) we go buy a new, pretty, good smelling, real Christmas tree.<br>*cough* Then, we PLAY IN THE SNOW!<br>WHOOOOOOO!<br>sorry. xD<br>Now, we bake cookies, usually the disgusting (my opinion) eww sugar cookies with eww eww icing. xD<br>Next, we play in the snow some more.<br>Thenn, we go Black Friday shopping. (well atleast my mom & dad do... xD)<br>And my mom & I go to Wal-Mart or other places and get stuffs for my family and vise versa with my sister, my dad, and my aunt.<br>Nextt, we wrap the presents secretly hiding them from specific family members. xP<br>Now, on Christmas Eve...<br>We get to open 1 present not of our choice. (if it was our choice, my sister & I would probably always pick the smallest thing, because we're just like that. xD)<br>And, we always know what the present is because, well, we do this every year since my sister (older than me) was probably about 1 or 2. Every year we get pajamas. Footy pajamas. xD EVERY YEAR.<br>then. finally...<br>CHRISTMAS!!<br>We rip open our presents at like 6 in the morning and my dad has to get his stupid coffee. I remember last year we (Kels and I) woke up at like 1 and woke my mom and dad up and they were like "Go back to bed!!!!" We were like "Reer." So, we waited in bed for 5 and a half hours until 6. It was horrible. Then, my dad like I said before was being a butt and had to get his coffee. >.< Anyways, my mom always has her camera out and ready. When we were like 5, my mom would always have to buy like 50 packs of batteries because we would always get "toys." Now, she just buys like 5-10 packs because we just get clothes and electronics. [: So, yeah.<br>Tadaaa!<br><br>What does <span style="font-style:italic">your</span> family do for Christmas?<br><br>*passes out yucky Christmas cookies*<br>xD<br></span>


  • Kaley wrote:
    <span style="font-size:75"> Then, my dad like I said before was being a butt and had to get his coffee. >.< Anyways, my mom always has her camera out and ready.<br></span>
    <br><br><br>Arg! I know xD When I was younger (up to the age of about 9-10) Since, Im the youngest, (by 4 years & ten years) I used to wake up my brother and sister at about 5 or 6 am. We used to go downstairs and go into the playroom and watch TV. My parents werent allowed to be woken up untill 9am. :evil: We werent allowed into the sitting room (where the tree was) untill my parents were downstairs. But we used to take peeks and found it hilarious xD So when they were -finally- awake, my mum would make tea or coffee whilst my dad took ageess to make the fire and set up the camera, (about an hour) which seems forever for a 6 year old :lol: Now, we have a real tree, which is in the conservatory so it doesnt die or heat :lol: We all get up at around 9-10 and make hot water bottles, and get dressing gowns and hot chocolate, because its about -5C in the morning there xD

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  • luckies. we weren't even allowed out of our rooms except for going into each other's rooms to watch TV. xD
  • My brother and I always have been kids that have slept in, even on christmas. My mom would be the first one up getting everything ready at like 6 am and then she would bring grandma over, shed wake up my dad, and then yell at me and my bro to get up. He would get up, I never did till a hour later and then we all opened our gifts. Its pretty funny how exited my mom gets compared to us ^.^
  • <span style="font-size:75">humm. well, my family (meaning me brothers, mum, and her beau) only have two traditions, I'm fairly sure. The first of which is opening one present on christmas eve, which is almost always a pair of pyjamas (one year it was a book of dog breeds, but thats because the pyjamas were far behind the tree) and the second of which is baking Shortbread Cookies cos theyre fabulous. <br>Won't be hanging out with mum until Christmas day though, as David and I are headed to Brum for our friends' very romantic Christmas eve wedding.<br>Aside from that though, we're attempting to institute our own holiday traditions. Those shall appear over the next few years, I suppose, though the tradition of staying up very late and taking advantage of the near three weeks off uni and work, seems like it'll become a regular thing.</span>

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • I don't like winter, but I do love Christmas. xD<br><br>On Christmas Eve, when I was really little, me and my little sister would always get a pair of pyjamas and coloring books with crayons. =D Once we started getting older, we still got pyjamas, but instead of coloring books and crayons we got sketch books and pencil crayons. xD Not that I am even good at drawing... so I normally give it to my sister or it sits underneat my makeup desk collecting dust in my bedroom.<br><br>ANYWAY.<br><br>On Christmas morning, I always woke up at around 6:00. The earliest was probably 5:30. I still wake up early... probably around 6:30 - 7:00; but that's my average wake-up time for school anyway, so I've sort of adapted to it - even on Christmas when I <span style="text-decoration:underline">could</span> sleep in [who <span style="font-style:italic">ever</span> does?]. My sister and I wake up our parents first. And normally grandma next (she stays for the night) and then grandpa (who lives in a duplex-apartment-thing connected to our house. xD). Everyone gets up with us and normally we're all downstairs with coffee/hot chocolate and sitting in the chairs around the tree in the living room. My sister and I have to sit beside each other on pillows on the floor and normally our dog/cat sits with us. xD (This year, it'll be Sayge's first Christmas, so she'll be sitting with me =D).<br><br>THEN after every person is done with their presents (stockings are always first, don't you know? xD)... the animals get theirs! =D Sayge is being spoiled this year 'cause she's the newbie. So every single pet - the 3 dogs, the 2 cats, the 1 rabbit - get their toys/treats.<br><br>BREAKFAST is next. YUM. And my mom always makes the same thing - some sort of recipe called 'Christmas Breakfast' xD. And it's the only time of year she ever makes it. It's got yummy ingredients like ham, cheese, special K cereal, green onions, egg, and whatnot... it probably sounds unappetizing the way I describe it but it's really quite tasty. <3<br><br>AND AFTER we normally got to family's houses and say hi and give them their gifts or they visit us for the rest of the day.<br><br>AND FINALLY we have an oh-SO-yummy dinner. =D Which normally involves mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, vegtables, etc. Cranberry sauce of course, and.. ew, brussell sprouts.<br><br>I LOVE FRICKIN CHRISTMAS. <3 God, now I'm finally super excited. xD<br><br>-edit- CANDY CANES TO ALL WHO READ :D
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