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-Freaks Out-

edited December 2009 in General Discussion
So I cleaned my room today. Like, MAJORLY.<br>And re arranged everything.<br>And if I keep it this way for two months, I can get a rat!<br><br><br>OMG!<br>I'm freaking out.<br>Any advice?
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch


  • Advice on the rat or keeping your room clean? xD
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • <span style="font-size:75">rats are best kept with two or more, as they are social creatures. Also, you will need a special rat cage, and rat wheel, because mouse, hamster, gerbil, etc cages are too small, and the mouse, hamster, gerbil, etc wheels hurt rats, again, because they are too small. <br>oh, and make sure that if you do get more than one, that they are all the same gender! little ratties are cute, but they reproduce like mad.</span>

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  • <span style="font-size:75">I have a rat. They're the BEST. They're sooo fun and energetic. They love to be held and played with. [: I love my babies - Peanut Butter & Jelly. ;P<br>Anyways, back to the advice. xD They don't HAVE to be the same gender. They do if you don't want babies, though. xP And, you have to play with them ATLEAST 45 minutes-1 hour a day. If you don't, they'll get too lonely and won't like you when you <span style="font-style:italic">do </span>hold them. They do bite. Only when you don't play with them a lot like I said. Usually, it doesn't hurt. Only a little nibble. When I first got my rats, PB bit me, but just a little nibble, to test my skin. Ever since like 2 1/2 weeks ago I've been afraid to hold her again. Don't be like I was! It was just a little nibble to test my skin. If you have a dog, <span style="text-decoration:underline">do NOT</span> let him/her get it! <span style="text-decoration:underline">Do NOT</span>, I repeat <span style="text-decoration:underline">do NOT</span>. Anyways, you'll love them.<br><br>PS. Don't be afraid if they climb up to your neck or even to your chest, they like it up there. Mine sits on my head sometimes, I just don't trust it/them for long because I'm afraid it'll fall. xD -parinoid- (sp?)<br><br>-PB & J Lover.</span>
  • I'm getting a multi-level ferret cage from my buddy.<br>My most major dillemma is male or female? I need witchever is EASIEST to socialize.<br><br>These guys are gonna be spoiled.<br><3<br><br>And advice on either. xD
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    I'm getting a multi-level ferret cage from my buddy.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">My most major dillemma is male or female? I need witchever is EASIEST to socialize.</span><br><br>These guys are gonna be spoiled.<br><3<br><br>And advice on either. xD
    <br><br>Hmm. That's a hard one. It depends on their personality. xD
  • Okay so I has 1 female rattie :D (her names Tempy[1.5yr/o]) and my bf has one male rattie (Clyde[age unknown]) :D and they are best friends cause we spend nearly every night together and so do they (they have 2 homes each hehe) no babies yet tho :D lol weird. <br><br>Anyway, just some advice on the whole 'rat wheel' thing.. ahh i have a rat wheel and its actually about 20cm in circumfrence (so it is a perfect sized rat wheel) and they do not use it. neither of them. i spoke to my friend who also has 2 females and she said they do not use theirs either... I find that they are far to inteligent to run on something that stays in the same place and gets them no where... Mice do, but all the rats that I know dont. But i mean wheels arent expensive if you wanna give it a go, but yeahs if youre looking to save money, they love just being able to run around your desk or something like that :D<br><br>Other than that, you will love them, I love ours soo muchies hehe. <br><br>Ohh also check out some 'video webside place ;)' vids and they show you a great way to teach em cool tricks and how to get them used to water and also how to keep them cool in hot weather. Oh and theres fun games on there for them to play in hot weather too, like Tempy likes to play in a very shallow dish of water bobbing for peas :D hehe<br><br>Also about the dogs... I dont know what some peoples doggies are like i suppose if theyre hunting dogs like beagles and what not they mightnt be so friendly.. but my dog and both my cats have never hurt either rats... one of my cats is scared of them and if they are around she disapears and, the other cat treats them like theyre his children or something and he just lays there and if they come up to him he licks them... as for the dog, she plays with tempy on the coffee table. Tempy will run to a corner and Cindy (my cattle doggie) will run over to her give her a little nudge and run back around the other side and wait till tempy moves again... I believe as well as the rest of my family that my pets seem to know what animal is a pet and what is not... as my cats and dog all catch mice.. <br><br>Sorry for all the info I just love my rattie and I know you'll love yours too!
  • I had rats for about 5 years(total of 6 rats in that time). <br><br>I had females but they are much more teritorial than males when introducing to a new cage mate(room mate) but depending on the rat I think they're equally easy to socialize. <br><br>I had one of my rats die from a tumor, rats are known to get tumors if there's too much stress or they are all alone and don't have another rattie with them, as for mine i had 3 at the time so didn't know what went wrong.<br><br>I got rid of two of my last rats once my FIRST rat I ever got died. I was really hurt. I had two rats die before she did and i guess I just wasn;t as attached to them. <br><br>Well mine always got along with my other pets(A bird, 3 cats and a dog), they actually enjoyed playing together. rats are very curious and need to be kept busy cause they get bored VERY easily(;<br><br>Well goodluck :wink:
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