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edited December 2009 in General Discussion
OMFG ITS SNOWINGGGGGG!!!! 8D<br><br>sorry... xD had a need to announce that.<br><br>Dx not enough for a snow day.. not even when its going to be a high of 7 degrees on thursday ;;


  • wow. it's been snowing here, but WHOW. 7 degrees? holy crapp. imma look up our high temp.<br><br>23 high<br>14 low<br>wowies.<br> ;D
  • Yeah, I'm kind of mad about how late the snow is coming... But I'm just glad it won't be going anywhere soon. :] <br><br>And yes, 7 degrees. And what will I be doing on Thursday in the 7 degree weather? >.< I will be at school freezing my batoot off.
  • Cold weather is fun. :p
  • .... Darling, [rofl.. no pun intended] where I live... Cold weather is NOT that fun. When it gets cold, it gets COLD. I mean literally... Last year when my dad, brother and little sister went north to a lake to go ice fishing, they had to shovel their way out of the snow on the ice because of a HUGE, no joke, snow storm. Now, the snow I LOVE, but the cold can be a bit much at times. xD
  • Krolak wrote:
    .... Darling, [rofl.. no pun intended] where I live... Cold weather is NOT that fun. When it gets cold, it gets COLD. Now, the snow I LOVE, but the cold can be a bit much at times. xD
    <br><br>Same here. xD I loove the snow and once it got like -12 degrees. D: *shiver*
  • Yeah, it can get that low here too.. even lower Dx thats the only time I really don't like winter.
  • lmao i kinda like the cold weather, just not like... 3 degrees xD i like... in the 20's sometimes.<br><br>It's calming for me. xP I just wear hat, big furry fluffy coat, scarf, 2 or 3 sweatshirts, 2 or 3 pairs of sweatpants, aqnd like 3 pairs of socks. Tada! Problem solved. xDD
  • <span style="font-size:92">We're possibly getting the worst snow storm we've had in 30 years here. School has already been canceled for tomorrow since 3. </span>
  • oh wow. are you scared? xD i would be.
  • <span style="font-size:92">not especially xD My main worry is that I can't go to the library so I'll have fines on my books xD But I'm sure we'll be fine, there's a chance it might not even hit us</span>
  • PFFT D: lucky.. I only WISH we had a snow storm that big.. <br>even IF it snows all night, they'll probably get the streets plowed for school.. e.e i dispise my school district.
  • <span style="font-size:92">I'm not too excited because we had a chorus concert tomorrow but now it's cancelled. Last year it was scheduled for like November but we had a snow day and couldn't reschedule until January, so hopefully that doesn't happen again. xD Also, if it's bad for the next couple of days, the dance we have on Friday will most likely be canceled and I've been looking forward to it for like a month xD </span>
  • Lol, we have nothing special that would be cancelled if we had a snowday [which hasn't happened in like... what, 10+ years?].. so I'd be perfectly happy with a snowday. xDD
  • we may have a snow day were supposed to get 14inches by wednesday night.
  • <span style="font-size:92">LUCKY.<br>I NEVER GET SNOW. D:<br>lmao; yeah.<br>i live in a sunny climate(:<br>although i have been freezing yesterday//today. o_o;<br>the only snow I see is when I go snowboarding. d;<br><br>Pfft. I wish we got snow here. x]<br><br>-random-</span>
  • :)" alt=">:)" height="20" /> SNOW DAY ;)
  • e.e Sandy... WE got that snowstorm you were talking about.. AND WE STILL HAD SCHOOL. =X it was supposedly like, -10 degrees windchill.
  • there's going to be at least three feet of snow coming into NV this weekend:] .<br><br>There's already about 6 inches outside , too .
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Omg. I am sorry but some of you guys are hilarious. xDDDD<br><br>7 degrees?! I wish it were that here.<br>Tomorrow we get a HIGH of -20f. (Without windchill..)<br>And we've gotten over a foot of snow just from 2 days. lmao I dunno how much we're up to now. But there are snow drifts that come as high was my waist. (I'm 5'7")<br><br>And this isn't even that bad. o.0<br><br>and btw. I have not once in my life had a snow day. xD<br><br>Canada ftw? lmao</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I wish we had snow >.> Its just wet.. OR TOO COLD.. last year it was -15C at one point.. and we had 3 snow days (in a row) What funny is that it was barely a foot deep.. they just go mental like 'OMG! THERE IS A SNOW FLAKE! WE MUST CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS!' xDDD We are in line with south Canada, North USA & we are lucky if there is a bit of snow a year >.> Apparently.. we have a 15/1 chance of a white xmas.. but a white xmas counts as ONE flake.. which sucks.. I wanna live in Americaaa =[

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  • whoo, when it snowed here, it was like. erhm, maybe 5 degrees. x.x<br>& of course i'm walking around in shorts.<br><br>Lmfao. xD
  • last year, i had a huge snow storm and i didn't have heat, power or school from January 23rd-febuary 9th. i
  • Secretic wrote:
    last year, i had a huge snow storm and i didn't have heat, power or school from January 23rd-febuary 9th. i
    <br><br>WOW.<br>No heat?<br>I would DIE.<br>xD<br>And no school for<br>*counts*<br>18 days?!?!<br>Lucky Duck!!
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Omg. I am sorry but some of you guys are hilarious. xDDDD<br><br>7 degrees?! I wish it were that here.<br>Tomorrow we get a HIGH of -20f. (Without windchill..)<br>And we've gotten over a foot of snow just from 2 days. lmao I dunno how much we're up to now. But there are snow drifts that come as high was my waist. (I'm 5'7")<br><br>And this isn't even that bad. o.0<br><br>and btw. I have not once in my life had a snow day. xD<br><br>Canada ftw? lmao</span></span>
    <br><br>ya canada.<br><br>it's only -7 C, which is 18 F, here right now.<br>(wtf, horse, do you live in saskatchewan or something LOL!)<br><br>i live like 4 hours from the west coast so its pretty warm here compared to everywhere else in canada.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">LOL nah, Alberta. Neighbors. 8D<br><br>And jeez, it was fricken -40c today (-40f too.)<br><br>But you get loads of snow in BC, don't you Reina? </span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • haha... Alaska's the same way. We've got a few feet of snow. About a week ago, it snowed for 3 days straight (those nice big ol' snowflakes that end up all sticky), and we had a crap-ton of wind that day too. Our power went out for 10 hrs. for us... But my parents' house didnt have power for about 16 hrs. And about 3k houses didnt have power for about 48 hrs. And we're getting down to hardly any sun too. So it was a very boring 10 hrs.<br><br>Unfortunately, we havent been able to get a big ol' neggie number for our weather. I like it best when it's aroun d -20F or so. Not sure why. When it's 20F, I tend to get all chilled. But at 40-50F that's perfect weather too. Idk. It's weird.
    Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
  • I wish I lived in Alaska...<br><br>
    <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">LOL nah, Alberta. Neighbors. 8D<br><br>And jeez, it was fricken -40c today (-40f too.)<br><br>But you get loads of snow in BC, don't you Reina? </span></span>
    <br><br>Yuck. I heard Edmonton was the 2nd coldest city in the world yesterday.. I used to live just outside.. I sure do not miss the cold winters. But yup we have ever since I moved.. guess I brought Alberta winter along with me lol. Usually, in my town, tey get like 1 foot or less of snow and then less and less towards the coast.. but I guess in the more mountainous areas and up north they get a lot more.<br><br>It was -9 C today. Not bad.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I forgot to put... Throughout my entire "school career" (Kindergarten through 12th Grade), we've NEVER had a snow day... But we started school in Aug. and got out in May. So it was all good.
    Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Yup. We're 2nd coldest city again today. Kinda brutal out there.<br>-55 with windchill right now.<br>That's -67f.<br><br>Where did you live before?<br><br>And woo Sitka! Me neither haha. It's like, 'Snow day? What's that?'</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Y'all have hijacked my post. XD <br><br>We've gotten at least 2 feet now.<br>And it's been like.. in the negatives a swear, or at least it felt like it today.<br>I have yet to go outside to run around with Hunter though. He loves the snow.. -is off topic-<br>I've had.. -counts- 1? snow day in my life, and I don't even know why. We got near 9 inces of snow the first snow storm this year, and we STILL had school. The only snow day I've had, was when it snowed 9 inches in one night.
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