I am going to hold a bit of a contest for everyone to join in

<br><br>So I need quad, chibi, anthro art of my fiance's and my wolf characters Maiku and Mishka. I will be judging based on quality, anatomy(on quads and anthros), and resemblance to the actual characters. <br><br>Here is an example from my fiance's DA gallery <br><a href="
http://ihardcore.deviantart.com/art/project-maiXmish-143247691" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Example 1</a><br><br><a href="
http://ihardcore.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-M-M-140418434" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Example 2</a><br><br><a href="
http://ihardcore.deviantart.com/art/Maiku-Revamp-Refs-141985683" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Ref Sheet of Maiku</a><br><br>if you need further descriptions of the characters please let me know. Mishka's colors are basic but Maiku's are a little more complex. <br><br>Mishka has a few accessories that aren't in the pictures which include a scar on her shoulder, two piercings in each ear, all gold hoops, and Blind eyes (crystal blue). Mishka is a slightly smaller Arctic wolf with abnormally large ears, think Fennec fox but slightly smaller. <br><br>Maiku has one green and one blue eye if you can't see that in the pictures. He is a Mutant Mackenzie Valley/Eurasian wolf crossbreed as well. Hes accessories are Black, chrome lip ring on the right side.<br><br>THEME ONE - FIREFLIES BY OWL CITY!<br><br>This one isn't a Christmas or winter related theme. This one has something to do with when they first met.<br>Their meeting;;<br>Maiku is being his dopey little self and nipping at the flies and Mishka is simply walking alone, enjoying the silence. She gets to the top of a little hill and notices Maiku playing with the glowing bugs, and an unnoticeable smile on her face. Maiku then stops what he's doing, looks over to Mishka, and see's that the fireflies, from his POV, have surrounded her... he then falls completely in love with her and so on so forth...<br>What you are doing.<br>Anything! If something from this story strikes your interest, or sparks inspiration, have at'er! You can do either of them separately or both together, continue the story in your won point of view, etcetcetc.<br><br>THEME TWO - CHRISTMAS/WINTER<br><br>This one is, well, Christmas themed. Meaning lights/snow/fire/warmth/cold what ever Christmas is to you. Note it has to be either characters! One, the other, or both together.<br><br>However, for both themes, I would REEEEEEEALLLY like it if they were both together on this! Not a bit deal, if you can't draw either of them for some reason, then I completely understand. That's all for now!<br><br>I do not have a lot for prizes so bare with me on this.<br>For the winners here are the prizes<br><br>1st place<br>Netured 2 O.A.K <a href="
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1475314" target="_blank" class="bb-url">© Ñøva Sparks</a>and 25mil<br><br>2nd place<br>2Unmade Import and 10mil<br><br>3rd place<br>1 unmade import 5mil <br><br>©<br>I have the right to close this without winners or without notice.
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"