We have divided it into singles and partners. <span style="color:red">We can start giving out the rest of the prizes once everyone agrees on this list. PLEASE post on here saying whether you agree or disagree to your prizes as soon as possible. This is very important as we can not give stuff out until we have everyone in agreement. Thanks.</span> The placings are as follows.<br><br>Teams:<br>1. DA and Lilly<br>2. Sim and Eksi<br><br>Singles:<br>1. Bappy<br>2. Tarn<br>3. Hobs<br><br>1. Custom Color, 1 custom lineart coloring, 1 sketch, 20 gifties, 40 mill <br>2. 1 custom lineart coloring, 1 sketch, 32 unmade imports, 10 mill, 6 gifties <br><br>1. Neutered, Unnamed Ethiopian Wolf, 1 full digital art, 20 gifties, 55 mill<br>2. Traditional art, 10 gifties, 30 million <br>3. 1 sketch, 1 ink, 4 gifties, 5 million<br><br><img src="
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j201/snowjo123456/PWNAGE.png" alt="
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j201/snowjo123456/PWNAGE.png" class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><span style="color:red">Update:<br>A-sap has joined the trainoff. Whiney may or may not be able to continue as a partner in the trainoff due to the lack of time she has to get on, so we'll see what happens. We are currently working to find a way to have Whiney's dogs get sent out so she would be able to stay. The new prizes and dogs from a-sap will be added shortly. All the gifties that have been listed were Evlons so do not fret about those!</span><br><br>So Sarah, Whiney/Majestic, And Evlon have decided it's time to get some of their doggehs trained so here we are holding an awesome train-off with great prizes. So read if your a trainer!<br><br><br>First lets get the prizes out of the way so you know what you are competing for.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">Prizes</span></span> (amount of gifties subject to increase)<br>1. 55mil, 1 full digital art, <a href="
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1420285" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Neutered, Unnamed Ethiopian Wolf</a>, 20 gifties<br>2. 30mil, 1 traditional art, 10 gifties<br>3. 15mil, 1 ink, 6 gifties<br>4. 10mil, 2 sketches, 4 gifties<br>(100mil, 34 gifities, 5 Arts and 1 Ethiopian Wolf!! )<br><br>All cash and dog prizes are being held in <a href="
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=128311" target="_blank" class="bb-url">this kennel</a><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:red">Rules:</span></span></span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">*You may partner up with someone. However, you MUST state that in your post. Dividing prizes ((should you win)) is up to you to decide.<br>*You Must have 100 in training and own or have access to a sponsor training account to be able to compete in this contest. <br>*We're not on every day. Please do not complain if you have not received the dog(s) you asked for immediately. We're not robots and we cannot send you the dogs automatically. <br>*Please do not ask for too many dogs at one time, and overwhelm yourself, take a few at a time. <br>*No taking turns without training, we will know.<br></ul><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">The Point System</span></span><br>1yr of RH - 1pts <br>1yr of Groom - 1.5pts <br>---- please include the end age of the 280/200 if included w. the dog. <br><br>280/200 w.o Aggro - 1pts <br>280/200 w. Aggro - 2pts <br>Skills - 0.5pts <br>Stats - 0.5pts <br><br>(these are stacked with training)<br>Done w.in 24hrs - 0.5pts <br>0x4-4x4 - 0.5pts ((this includes imports)) <br>Decoy - 3pts<br><br>[tryin' to keep it low so its easier to calculate]<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:150">The forms:</span></span><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Joining</span><br>
<br>Username:<br>Training kennel link:<br>Playername:<br>Link to dogs you want:<br>Examples of training:<br>
<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Points</span><br>
<br>Dog's Number:<br>Training performed:<br>Points added to Total:<br>Old Total:<br>New Total:
<br>(please use the number at the end of the dog's link so we don't kill the post with too many links... again e.e )<br><br><span style="font-size:59">We reserve all the normal rights accompanying trainoffs.</span>
<br>If you drop out your name will be marked in blue and with and asterisk (*). Also you have the option of donating your points to any one in the train off if you wish!
If I'm a good trainer, recommend me Here!
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
If I'm a good trainer, recommend me Here!
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
If I'm a good trainer, recommend me Here!
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
If I'm a good trainer, recommend me Here!
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested