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Stupid people

edited September 2009 in Vent
EFF !!<br><br>This stupid person is like a Cane Corso fan or whatever, I mean so am I. Anyway, he goes on like every video of EVERY rare-starting-to-get-popular-with-dog-fighters breed nowadays, such as the Dogo Argentino, Presa Canario, Caucasian Ovcharka, Kangal, etc posting crap about how much they suck, and how a Cane Corso could "take down" a Kangal in a second, blah blah blah.<br><br>Then he comments on a video of Ch. Verdugo (a Presa Canario who has wicked drive and an extremely stable mind) saying, "Presas are just like pit bulls," and like totally bad talking off of the most amazing Schutzhund Presa in the world, in MOTION for crying out loud. So I say something, can't remember what exactly, but it was 100% true about the fact he wasn't lashing out in fear OR over-aggression to the decoy, but just watching and keeping on his toes for any aggressive movement to his handler, like it SHOULD be, but never is.<br><br>Whatever.<br><br>Then he commented back to me saying *swear swear* no you're totally @##@% wrong, he has no interest at all and just looks like a pit bull, hes crap compared to the cane.<br><br>I HATE it when people call Cane Corso "canes", because in the Italian language, "cane" just means dog. So you could be talking about anything when you say cane. "Corso" is the name of the particular breed, coming from the word "cohors" which means guardian and protector.<br><br>So like, the Presa doesn't look like a Pit Bull and that comment was coming from a very biased person with little to no knowledge of anything. So in another comment I said that the Cane Corso usually has more temperament problems than a Presa, as a Presa is just more solid in that area, although it could be vice versa at times. <br><br>And then this guy says, "LOL thats not true but I never own a PC I just have a CC and mines dont have a temperament problems maybe its because it is still a puppy thats what I hear from CC breeders but something telling me thats not true because I have puppies who had temperament problems while still a puppy so ill have to give it to the PC when it comes to the most temperament problems because I hear them breeds is like pits when they are around other strange dogs"<br><br>Ugh. At least use some punctuation, I could barely read that. The fact he said "I hear them breeds is like pits" just says it all, doesn't it. <br><br> :evil: <br><br>Being around strange dogs and being aggressive isn't a temperament problem. Some breeds are just like that. A Golden Retriever that's aggressive with other dogs, now that's a different story. So like, all depends on the breed. But this stupid person is pissing me off so bad, I'm done talking with him. <br><br>*sigh* I think I'm done.<br><br>** post edited by admin to remove banned subject
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • Wow, that must have been annoying.<br>I, being a huge fan of the American Pit Bull Terrier, hate when others put breeds down, due to bad reputations .<br>Nowadays, the world has a negative outlook on any dog that ‘looks like a pit bull’ or has cropped ears and docked tails.<br> <br><br>Tisk tisk .
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • I really hate people that are narrow minded about breeds and I tend to go off.<br><br>Especially when its a pit that they do it to. Around my area a woman had her dog taken away and enuthanized because somebody thought it was a pit and it was an cane corso. <br><br><br>on a later thought I have known a golden retriever that was aggressive toward other dogs, in fact she would have gone after my gsd mix if she hadn't been in a crate. 0_o
  • I really don't think dogs should be judge on apperence, altough I have become more catious around "agressive" known dogs.<br>I live in a small town where dog fighting is often caught, I have seen vicious dog attacks and have even been bitten a few times myself, even small dogs that I know can be aggresive.<br>If I don't think I can control a certian dog then I would <span style="font-style:italic">never</span> purchase it.
  • reina__ wrote:
    <br>Being around strange dogs and being aggressive isn't a temperament problem. Some breeds are just like that. A Golden Retriever that's aggressive with other dogs, now that's a different story. So like, all depends on the breed.
    <br><br>I think some dogs, of a certain breed can be more aggressive than other dogs, of a different breed. But I dont think you should label an entire breed as agressive, and it not being temperment problems.<br><br>'Agressive Breeds' have some of the most well natured and tempered dogs. Alot of Pitbulls (which are labeled as an agressive breed) are very well natured and such.<br><br>But as for the guy on YouTube, he sounds like a poo head.
  • I'm not labeling anything. I didn't say Pit Bulls are an aggressive breed. Aggression out of fear/nervousness is a lot different from aggression out of fight drive ability and protection. The Presa/Corso by standard is NOT aggressive, only when it comes to protecting.<br><br> :? Trust me.. I know.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • reina__ wrote:
    <br>Being around strange dogs and being aggressive isn't a temperament problem. Some breeds are just like that.
    <br><br>I'm just going on by what I read. I must have miss interpreted your typing. I was only using Pit bulls as an example of a breed, that people seem to think the entire breed is aggressive.<br><br>I'm not testing your judgment on Presas/Corsos I'm just noting about what I've read here.
  • *sneaks in*<br><br><br>I googled "Presa" Cuz I didn't know what they were.. And really to the untrained eye (like the idiot you were talking about) They would look like a different built pitbull. Because, at first glance to me they looked like a boxerxPit mix of some sort. And I am an untrained eye xD<br><br><br>*sneaks out*
  • No comment. :)<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /> and <img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><span style="font-size:50">Presa is Tarantino de Fencing Dogs from</span><br><br><br>It must be the cropped ears for some people.<br>And some people just don't know much of anything, and assume things. <br>Which is fine.. but it hits a nerve for some people, especially if they bad<br>talk about something that's not even true.. like the youtube kid.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • (Those dogs are beautiful).<br><br>I'd just like to say that the first picture looks like a Pit mix in it's face. (To me =P) But I don't know much about the Presa.<br><br>The second picture looks completely unrelated to a Pit Bull. xD But it's sooo pretty <3 =D
  • (Those dogs are beautiful).<br><br>I'd just like to say that the first picture looks like a Pit mix in it's face. (To me =P) But I don't know much about the Presa.<br><br>The second picture looks completely unrelated to a Pit Bull. xD But it's sooo pretty <3 =D
    <br><br>I agree competly on all that. :) <br><br>They could be easily mistaken as a ptibull mix of some sort, or at least some of them could. :? <br><br><br>And, about the judgment of a certain breed, it's stupid. (Not accusing anyone on this thread of anything....) I's kinda like doggy discrimination. Lol, I don't know.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Oh, and reina, that guy seems really annyoing. :roll: <br><br>I feel your pain.<br><br>**edited to remove banned content
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I would find it hard to mix the breeds up.<br>Presas are infact much larger and have a completly different look...
  • (Those dogs are beautiful).<br><br>I'd just like to say that the first picture looks like a Pit mix in it's face. (To me =P) But I don't know much about the Presa.<br><br>The second picture looks completely unrelated to a Pit Bull. xD But it's sooo pretty <3 =D
    <br><br>...<br><br>The first pic IS a Pit Bull. Second pic is a Presa Canario.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Please continue with the discussion, but remember that YouTube and other sites should not be mentioned.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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