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Giveaway Fun! Prizes Awarded!!

edited August 2009 in Giveaways, Etc.
<span style="font-size:75"><br><span style="color:red">The prizes have been awarded, so take a look! Please PM me (unless you have a dog, in which case, just bid), and I will give you directions to claim your prize! Thank you to all participants!!</span><br><br>Hey!! I feel like having a giveaway, so all of you can get cool stuff! What I'm going to do is let everyone pick 1 number between 1 and 25. I will use a random number generator and whoever is that number wins a prize!<br><br><br>Prizes: Some will be very good, some not so much. There will be some really good dogs (greyhounds, 9x4, some are parent/sibling of 10x4s), trainings (both 200/280 w/ or w/o aggro, and years of groom/rh), some VPC, some custom banners, layouts, etc.<br><br>So, pick a number!<br><br>1. Trisscar-<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>2. loveandpace<br>3. Brittsy<br>4. History Maker-2 200/280 w/ aggro trainings<br>5. Bre1244-<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>6. Kelpie-8 years rh or 6 groom<br>7. whisperer<br>8. dudey465<br>9. ilyanthony1995-<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>10. Tarnish-2 200/280 w/ aggro trainings<br>11. Lycanthrin-<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>12. Shamey-5 custom banners<br>13. Grem-10 years rh, or 8 groom<br>14. Bobcat.-2 200/280 w/o aggro<br>15. crazy_horse571-3 free breedings<br>16. Avla<br>17. iluvdogs111<br>18. borderprince-30k<br>19. Jory19-5 custom banners<br>20. Koshi<br>21. Kourtney Cov-1 200/280 w/ aggro<br>22. .clozobozo.-9k<br>23. Woodpecker-1 200/280 w/o aggro<br>24. Kazuko<br>25.femalevamp14-5 custom banners<br>26. rik9-5 (Chosen number was already taken, so I fit you in where I could)<br>27. jennifer27<br>28. TigerCub101<br>29. Kelsey (Chosen number was already taken, so I fit you in where I could)-<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>30. neykoma-1 custom layout<br><br><br>Not everyone will get a prize! But, about half or two thirds will...</span><br><br><span style="font-size:200">I am about to draw the prizes, so stay tuned!!</span>


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